
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports

Ryzom Forge meeting report - December 17th, 2018

Change in Ryzom team

Tamarea, 20:39 UTC
Let's start with the news from the Ryzom team. My two main roles are to manage the Ryzom team and its projects, as well as to ensure external communication and communication with the players. But for that to happen, it takes time. A lot of time. This means that I must be assisted at maximum by assistants in each team in order to be able to free up time and focus on these two roles. This is resulting in the following changes:
  • Tykus becomes my assistant on the management side of the Ryzom team. Tykus replaces me as "Support Head"
  • Jayvaraman becomes my Marketing Assistant
  • Arionasis assists me with Communication.

Q : Ooops! Yes! Are we still allowed to throw pickaxes on Tykus?
A : He knows how to send them back. ;)

News from the Communication/Marketing team (NDA + RF)

Tamarea, 20:45 UTC
  • Creation of flyers to visually communicate on future additions (in addition to the detailed text version), to be published on the forum, websites, social networks...
  • Ongoing brainstorming to improve communication (mainly with players and inside team)

  • Bubbason (RF) has joined the team.
  • Brainstoming in progress to write a marketing plan.
  • Development of the new website in progress.

Q : Who is creating the flyers?
A : The first one has just been made by Ulukyn. He implemented his idea, it was easier and faster than explaining it. Afterwards, others can do them.

Lore team news

Tamarea, 20:56 UTC
Big applause for Azazor's work and publication about the Fyros tribes. He is not part of the Lore team, but his work is Lore validated and therefore becomes an official document. And thanks you to Siela for hosting all his texts!
I hope they will all be published on the Ryzom Wiki!

Ryzom Wiki

Zorroargh, 21:07 UTC
Since the last time, I mainly work on categorization of the wikis, so that it fits to various users. Users as well as developers, animators, expect to easily find their documentary spaces, while at the other extreme the players of each language group have their interests that do not necessarily converge. In between, it is worthwhile that game guides and tips are comparable and easily accessible.

The idea is to create four roots:
  • Encyclopatys for all
  • Wikipatys, the toolbox of our wikis
  • Forge
  • Lore

Encyclopatys presents branches which match the various common interests of the game, as "How to craft?", "Who are the Fyros?", etc. These first branches are the guides for the 5 linguistic wikis, but the small branches and the leaves are the free story of each one. I wrote down this plan which will be achieved in a week or so (my hope). I'm done, and a big thank to Nilstilar

Q : On wiki, we can't upload pictures any. When will the issue be resolved?
A : Uploading to Ryzom Commons is working!

Event Launchers

Tamarea, 21:33 UTC
I would now like to introduce you to a new team about to be created: the "Event Launchers" team.

Observation: we currently have a problem: we have scripted OOC events (mini-boss and invasions), a tool to launch them simply (needs only to select and click) but... nobody or almost nobody is therer to launch them.
Reason: it is not the role of the actors to launch scripted OOC events, nor the one of the Arkitects who created these events.
Result: too few scripted OOC events are launched.
Solution: creation of a team (NDA + RF) whose role will be to launch these events: the "Event Launchers" team.

Q : What privileges?
A : Event Launchers will be able to run scripts on Atys, but without being able to read them or read other "Atys" scripts.

Q : How to launch these events?
A : There is a dedicated tool, very easy to use. There's only need to stay in the game until the mobs spawn.

Q : When to launch these events and which ones?
A : There will be a schedule to follow.

Q : Who can apply?
A : All members of the Ryzom team (NDA or RF). We will start with the NDAs, while we check that the access and privileges are adequate, but anyone can apply now to Tamarea

Q : NDA is Ryzom Team?
A : The Ryzom team is composed of members under NDA and members who are not under NDA. These are commonly referred to as "Ryzom Forge". NDA = Non-disclosure agreement

Q : What makes the difference? Do NDA teamers have more privileges?
A : All those who help to improve and develop the game are part of the Ryzom team. They work together on a daily basis, without differentiation, on an equal footing. The only difference is in access: a player who is not under NDA cannot, for example, access the primitives (he must sign an NDA for that). Some teams are entirely under NDA: Support, Animation, Lore. All the others are mixed. This allows players who wish to come and help easily within a team or project.

Q : A whole team to just click a button for some Event that already exist... Sounds like a minor task to dedicate to a special team, doesn't it ?
A : From that point of view, yes. But in practice, almost each of us is part of several teams and our time is more than limited. Having dedicated people will therefore be of great help, even if this help is to be casual. The question is a good way for me to make the transition to the next topic: Recruitment.


Tamarea, 21:53 UTC
This week, I would like to highlight the following three teams: Ark, Event and Event Launchers. We pay very well in virtual cookies and coffee! In fact, our best reward is the smiles of the players. It's for them that we're all here! :) The common point between all those of the Ryzom team is that they love this game and have chosen to give a little of their time for it and its community. Some have a lot of time to devote to it, others have very little time, but it doesn't matter. Because all together, step by step, we are making progress. A number of new features and improvements are in progress. But we still have bottlenecks: teams in insufficient supply. And that's where we need recruits.
  • Ark team (optional NDA): to work on Ark, the tool which allows creation of game content (Pocket Worlds, but also missions, rites, bosses, scripted events, etc.)
  • Event Launcher (optional NDA): (see above for explanations)
  • Event team (mandatory NDA): to play as an actor during roleplay events

If any of you would like to apply or simply get more information, please write to Tamarea at

Ryzom Projects Infos

Tamarea, 22:13 UTC
Reminder: you can see Roadmap and Calendar on WebIG main page. There is an icon to display the roadmap. I advise you to do it out of game for a better rendering.

Some dates:
  • Dec 20th: Atysmas patch
  • Dec 21st - Jan 6th: Atysmas events
  • Jan 6th: First RP event of 2019

In test / Soon in test:
  • Atysmas events
  • New boss (Yubokin)
  • Guild Islands (step 1)
  • Ranger Gameplay balance
  • Excellent tokens
  • Dynamic Events

Part of Jena's year 2601 patch should have taken place on December 20th, at the same time as Atymas patch, but the time frame will be too short to finish everything and test it correctly, so we prefer to wait until January for the "Jena's year 2601 patch"

Q : Will there be Atymas killeable Trees as part of Atymas events?
A : We will not hand over the Trees this year. They will come back next year. ;)

Q : Do you have any clue why Yule pants are broken and if they will be winnable?
A : We have to partially redesign it, especially the reward part, and the time frame will be too short for that.

Q : Will Yubokin last only during Atymas or will it be added to the game permanetly? Would it have a different looking or is it just a giant Yubo?
A : Yubokin will be a permanent boss on Silan. It will have a boss texture.

Q : What is wrong about Atymas Tree rewards, if you may elaborate on that point?
A : Since we created the new Wheel, all "durable" lots go through it. OOC events allow you to win consumables and/or tokens from this Wheel. The prizes that were previously found in loots are now winnable at the Wheel, as well as new prizes.

Q : What about the Yubohoo? He won't spawn this year either??
A : There will be an announcement listing the events of Atysmas 2018. There should be something for everyone to enjoy.
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