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We should think about some basic atys rules i guess.

1. Do something, and you'll get something.
2. Do something better, and you'll get something better.
3. Be the best, and you'll get the best.
4. Be what you want to be.

In order of playing in a sandbox, i can't understand complainings, that manifests a special right of "having something". Everyone is able to have "something". Maybe this causes jealous thoughts by those, that "want something special" with no efforts.

Having "something better" is linked to some efforts, but efforts are'nt a "must have" for everyone.

So everyone in this discussion, that will say "the sand in our sandbox does'nt act in a natural way" while the thought behind is "I'd like to have a special right on this sand." is wrong.

In my opinion the changes in OP wars will cause a more natural way of conflict. With simple rules. And fair for those that will choose the way of "conflict". Comparing to the actual rules, with the new OP system everyone could have "something better", but not a special right, to "have something better".

And so, if we think about making "something" valuable, this is linked with the maximum efforts, to get "something". And not linked with an economy that can generate "any amount of something".
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Last visit Wednesday, 11 September 10:32:10 UTC

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