The new Gubani Fortune Wheel

Will we see any additional instruction here perhaps addressing:

a) Sometimes the wheel just stops working.

b) Instructions on what BYMGO is all about ... Pay 2 Win

c) Understanding that user selection of what categories of rewards are in play is not feasible, has any thought been given to the fact that many rewards are not usable ... for example cats for subbed players, low level "Wundahmat"....The latter wouldn't be so bad if tradeable.

d) What reward items are going to be "tradeable" ?

e) The OP Flowers provide something that few players use. I love the red and blue ones, but I'm in a small minority. Giving away flowers rarely brings a response.

While I certainly do not want to diminish the importance of OPs, I think the **rare** reward of an OP mat would add some excitement without diminishing the value of an OP for the player base that is excluded from opportunity to obtain same.

f) The issue of dupes.... Lost about a dozen rewards because I already had a BYMGO game of that number. Is there a way to avoid getting a 2nd rucksack for apartment, duplicate wigs, etc.

Regarding, item part collection, not really in a position yet to form a solid view on this stuff but .... impressions so far after 5 stacks of Basic Tokens, winning 282 choice token with Pay2Win and whatever collected from 2 mini bosses:

- It would seem apartment item collection rewards are a bit high ... while on that topic, kinda confused about the rotating / glowing rucksack... reminded me of Doom armor. 55/30 parts so far

- Wigs reward rate seems low ... (17/150), a third of those coming from the choice tokens.

- Plushie rate seems OK.... (14/150), again a third of those coming from the choice tokens

- Gubani Mount rate seems low ... (5/300) Gubani Mount and all those came from Basic Tokens ... had 6 but one disappeared after wheel crash. At 1 part per stack, the idea of requiring 300 stacks seems daunting.

BTW, had to type this message twice ... 1st time hit "submit" button said reload detected. Seems I get this whenever i don't complete a post quickly


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