Discussion around "Creation of Ranger Rite"

Found a bug that occured while handing in the supplies at the refugee camp which was preventing our team from being offered the next mission. There were 4 of us in team and we were required to hand in a total of 20 of one item and 40 of the other, which we did. The supply mission was removed from all our mission journals at this point but we could not get the next mission, just the request to place the supplies in the crate and come back and talk to him.

While looking through my system info window I noticed some lime green text that was about the hand ins (I will refer to Item A rather than spoil it for others) "item A 10/20" on my character and "item A 15/20" on my alt. I asked the other team members to report what thier system info window had recorded for this item and they both reported "item A 5/20".

That both had the same figure "5/20" and no one had 20/20 was suspicious and we decided to gather some more "Item A" and see if that would complete the mission correctly, which it did and we were able to recieve then the next mission
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Last visit Monday, 9 September 07:55:29 UTC

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