Atys Guardians

The Guardians were founded on October 26, 2014. The guild was well managed and grew in quality and quantity over the years. But the Guardians had to suffer a hard break in the course of 2017, when almost all high-ranking members were unable to go online anymore,(or almost never)due to the demands of real life.

Since January 2018, the Guardians have been rebuilt and strengthened under new leadership, making progress every day.

We are a band of brothers and sisters, and every member acts as an ambassador of good will. If someone needs help somewhere on Atys like a rez, training, a trek, or just some friendly advise, we try to provide it and do not limit it to our Guild members only, if possible.

The Atys Guardians are a Kami guild and we follow the Laws of Ma-Duk. We are aligned to the Tryker civilisation We expect our members to become Kamis aligned in the long run as they become stronger.

We are an international guild and we communicate in English. Our active members right now are from Chile, El Salvador, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Rumania, South Africa, United States of America, and last but not least Ukraine. It’s fun to talk to people from all over the world.

Our Guild hall is in Crystabell, Liberty Lakes. For every member PvP (mutual agreed) or role-play is optional.

We participate at bosshunting events organized by Chanchey and we hunt named mobs. Also we help Kami guilds to defend Outposts.

We plan and organize other events limited to the Guardians.

If you are interested in joining the Atys Guardians, contact
Trilexis (GL), Sbeck (HO), Wajua (HO), Kitkats (HO) Strigoi (HO) Rowdyclaws (HO) or any other Guardian available.
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Last visit Sunday, 9 February 11:58:02 UTC

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