It might help people make good use of the group if you're clear about what you try to offer, and you're ok with not being all things to every new player.
I hope I haven't come off as demanding or critical, though I've almost certainly come off as wordy :P. I suppose I've just thought some about the kind of help that I find helpful. When I want to be helpful and welcoming I'm not always sure how to do it. I hope what I've said is, well, helpful in some way :)
If nothing else, one new-ish player thinks this might be a nice idea and is excited about it.
I hope I haven't come off as demanding or critical, though I've almost certainly come off as wordy :P. I suppose I've just thought some about the kind of help that I find helpful. When I want to be helpful and welcoming I'm not always sure how to do it. I hope what I've said is, well, helpful in some way :)
If nothing else, one new-ish player thinks this might be a nice idea and is excited about it.