News from the Event Group

12th of October 2015 

1 Event sequences in preparation
  • Fyros sequence: has just started, will last more than 1 year.
  • Matis sequences: has just started again, will last ore than 1 year. About Nobles assemblies: next ones will be organized differently to be shorter, and to let time for a small tournament after them.
  • Tryker sequence: not started yet, not to all start in the same time ( will last more than 1 year).
  • Zoraï sequence: the big level design problem has been fixed and the tests on Yubo are very good. We know now that all the sequence will be playable. So now, the Event Team can start to work on writing the first events.

2 OOC player event made by La Firme
Still waiting. Riasan will be contacted to know more about the progress of it and it will be asked to be in touch with Zakkk. Lycimima will send all the 3D elements in few days, 12 were missing. The rest was already probided and Translators Team will take care of the translations. 


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

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