
[Music] Reports of Ryzom Forge's meetings (Music group)]

28th of september 2015

1 Creation of new ambience music
Gaueko: "I have posted in the Music Group some usefull links to free sound sites. Even if we can create our owns, better if we try to get what is already free for all in the internet to use them in the future. If you know any other free sites, no matter the language, please post it there.In other hand, I want to start  working in some ambient music for the game. I will try to have something  for this week, but I can´t promise nothing. I am talking with Tamarea  to decide where we could add this new files till we have a better place.  If any one wants to start making ambient music, or if already has  something recorded, let me know so we can add those files of yours to  the same place.I call to any musician that wants to join me in this adventure!If you want to contact me for any of this topics, or for any other music related topic :"

Q: did ou kept an eye on licences there?
A: I did. But if you find any problem with them, notify me too.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN
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