Report: Ryzom Forge meeting -25th of may 2015

Artist group

City banners

Some banners can already be create by graphic designers: Crystabell, Windermeer, Jen-Lai (as on the screen but on white instead of purple), Min-Cho (resume the proposed screen for Zora to Min-Cho).

[Remigra] I'll be happy to create the icons of the banner when they are known. I have the graphic Forge forum uploaded something to look for already, as an example: http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22777/12 #12. The arms are ansich like, the background was added only for better visual representation. I Belase everything always einzelsekmenten in several stores and step, so you can edit quickly, or change. The symbols themselves are individually, the background was ^^ added only for better visual representation. I belasee everything always in several individual steps and step storages, so that you can edit quickly, or change.

[Remigra] A question which will be used for banner in Matis as a 3D element? I want to know if a new 3D object is created Banne for the city, or whether the national flags are used? If the existing countries are used banner stands, the realization is possible faster. I mean the 4 nationwide stand banner, which can be seen on the Forge page! (http://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/Projet_Graphique - look for "banner").
http://atys.wiki.ryzom.com/images/thumb/8/84/Fyros_flag.jpg/256px -Fyros_flag.jpg  
http://atys.wiki.ryzom.com/images/thumb/8/89/Zorai_flag.png/256px -Zorai_flag.png   
http://atys.wiki.ryzom.com/images/thumb/8/89/Matis_flag.png/256px -Matis_flag.png   
http://atys.wiki.ryzom.com/images/thumb/9/91/Tryker_flag.png/256p x-Tryker_flag.png
Matis city banner: https://lut.im/eHdE0e8z/rXkcaZB6.

[Wiedii] Initially, there were supposed to "be banners" (without flags) for the guilds, with their symbol... they have even been modelised. You probably have already seen them: they're used as "staffs" by the CSRs... I'd like, for me, for these banners to be used for their initial role... But it will be up to Winchgate.
For example, here is the Tryker banner: https://lut.im/9lp85EY4/qMcDeqCb
The fyros one : https://lut.im/JRwF2YJ8/wRDpHjg0.
Here is the zorai: https://lut.im/EG3EiVmx/m1j5rzb and the "common/tribe": https://lut.im/ldCvIAdG/5xkrxXmu/
As mentionned on the artwork, the were supposed to show the logo of each guild: https://lut.im/eHdE0e8z/rXkcaZB6 (matis city banner).


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