bulk upgrade for guild hall

Here is an idea: How about when you own an op instead of having access to your GH it actually lets you have "Additional storage space?" If an op war happens then the winning guild gets to have all the loot in it?

Personally, the reason i havent voted nor responded is because a building can only hold so much so it should be limited. I suppose you can 'Add-on' to your GH to make it bigger, but eventually it would be easy to fill that up too, hence this idea of increasing GH's is subjective. It wasn't that important to me to discuss. Otherwise, why not just increase apartments too, or mektoubs, or our bags? What would the limits be? 200,000? That is a rediculous amount and un-justifiable unless you are a multi-millionaire and have a mansion with a wharehouse out back. I know its a pain, but as Bittty said, it forces us to work the mats we have. It is a refining process. Get rid of the bad mats and save the good.

On the other hand, I am not opposed to some kind of ability to increase the storage somehow. Like I mentioned above, it doesn't make sense to be able to access your GH from an Outpost miles away! Let the Outposts be for extra storage. Or allow us to build wharehouses somewhere. That would be a nice dapper sink too. It would allow neutrals ability to buy storage without fighting too. ~Just an idea I'm throwing out there.
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