
[Zoraïs] Circles assembly of Zora


The Circles' assembly of the Zoraïs met on 4h - Holeth, Harvestor 6, 1st AC 2582, and the following homins were present:

Supplice, Sage
Sari, Homin
Zendae, Mistress of Arms
Marae, Guardian of the Kingdom
Khalaoden, Homin
Salazar, Matis Noble
Erminantius, Matis Ambassador
Rikutatis, Dynastic Scribe
Algouesnou, Crimson Reaper
Sygmus, Zorai Ambassador
Lehony, Homin
Zurath, Blessed by Ma-Duk
Xtarsia, Guild Leader of Celestai
Ghyr, Homin
Kytaro, Zorai Guardian
Echtelion, Impaler

Here is a summary of what was discussed:

- Dynastic Circle:

Sage Supplice mentioned the letter of resignation sent by Awakened Zhoi. She wished to resign from her post as Ambassador to the Verdant Heights, but Supplice said her post shouldn't be considered vacant until the sages had the opportunity to talk to her personally.

Two new ambassadors have been nominated from the ranks of Zoraï Initiates: Lehony will be the new ambassador to the Rangers and Kytaro was chosen to represent the Zoraïs in the Lakelands.

- Exploration Circle:

Ambassador Erminantius renewed his thanks for the help the Theocracy has provided in the battle against the Kitins in the Forest. Awakened Rikutatis then raised his concerns for the plans of a plant barrier the Matis have been studying. He reminded everyone that in the past, when Lenardi Bravichi began work to cultivate roots to form a natural barrier, the kamis have fiercely opposed him to prevent Matis manipulation of nature. At the time, there was even a war involving the Zoraï tribe Sacred Sap. Ambassador Erminantius replied in kind, reaffirming the Matis' absolute authority over the Verdant Heights and claiming this project's only goal was the betterment of Yrkanis.

Ambassador Sygmus then gave his report regarding the latest news from the Fyros Empire. It seems like the Fyros and Trykers have been negotiating plans for a water caravan. Moreover, the investigation on the homin called Atreus continues to unfold in Pyr. The latest evidence seems to suggest he is the twin brother of the late Emperor, and that he was secretly stolen away as a newborn by a rich and powerful Fyros family for unknown reasons.

Finally, the discussion turned to the Gibads Tribe. Sage Supplice expressed his concern for a promise that was made to the Gibads a long time ago, but that was never upheld by the Zoraïs: the delivery of containers to store fruit. Supplice was afraid diplomatic relations with the Gibads might turn sour if the Zoraïs didn't deliver these containers in the near future. Rikutatis and Sygmus have vowed to mend relations with the Gibads. The Icon Worshippers Tribe will be sought after in order to build these containers.

Rikutatis, Dynastic Scribe


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."
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