
[Matis] Nobles assembly of Yrkanis

The Nobles Chamber of the Verdant Heights has gathered in the Royal Palace of Yrkanis, on Dua, Folialy 14, 3rd AC 2581*, and was lead by His Majesty Stevano-Karan.

Were attending:
Filira Erminantius, Viscount of Avalae, leader of the House Gardiens du Savoir
Filirae Ozwomen, Ambassadress towards the Rangers
Filirae Remigra, leader of the House Liberi Margus
Filira Zakkk, Clerk of the Court retired, leader of the House La Firme
Filirae Luxee
Filira Salazar
Serae Alco, Lady in Waiting of the Karae and Ambassadress towards the Federation
Serae Shepeng, Cleric novitiate and Royal Minstrel
Ser Copal, Royal scrivener for Avalae
Ser Osquallo, Royal Illustrator
Serae Ilyae, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Marae, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Valyae, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Zendae, Hamazan and vassal of the Kingdom
Ser Dukenono, vassal of the Kingdom
Ser Kraul, vassal of the Kingdom
Ser Smoker, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Jenisa
Ser Comhe
Ser Khalaoden**

In the absence of the Novitiate Shepeng, who was late, Stevano-Karan himself led the prayer to Jena that opened this session of the Nobles Chamber.

Stevano-Karan has then addressed the first topic of importance, namely his ambition to bring back the matis botanical art to its former glory and grandeur. So he entrusted the renowned botanist Cuiccio Perinia with the mission of creating unique botanical creations, starting with a barrier of plants of dazzling beauty, able to protect Yrkanis. The Vassals who are willing to support this undertaking will be able to do so in the Court of the Karae, that will be gathered soon*** on this topic.

Filira Zakkk has then mentioned a surprising discovery he made in the kitinlair of the Almati Woods. A “thing”, that is growing and that he didn’t manage to recognise, but that seems to be disturbing the kitins around, in one of the galleries that lead to the room of primary eggs. So an expedition will be dispatched soon to inquire into this phenomenon. The Alkian Order, Filirae Remigra, and the Gardiens du Savoir have already volunteered to join it.
The question of the authority of the Rangers on the kitinlair has been risen, but the Karan reminded everyone that the Rangers were only in charge of the surveillance of the kitinlair. So, as such, they will be informed of the expedition. Details will be settled among the participants after the Nobles Chamber.

Stevano-Karan has then offered the House La Firme the remarkable honour of rising it to the rank of Noble House, as a reward for the significant investment of its members in his Court and in the Karae’s one, in the organisation of events such as the late show fashion in Avalae, or in the war effort of the Kingdom.

From there, the Assembly naturally pursued in the same vein as this last topic, with a contribution by Serae Zendae about the training status of the matis team for the incoming tournament. Na-Karan has shown himself very disappointed that only one team had been formed to represent the Kingdom, as he was waiting for two. Serae Zendae will then continue her interviews in order to make this second team. In the meantime, Stevano-Karan has congratulated the Vassals who had already volunteered, and has assured them that he would keep his eyes turned towards them. Starting with the day of the tournament, since it will be honoured by his attendance.

Once this case closed, speaking was given to the ambassadors.
Serae Alco indicated that there was nothing new from the Lakes, and Filira Erminantius has reported the same lack of change in the situation of the Witherings.
From the Rangers, the only piece of news was the appointment, or the renewal, of ambassadors. Filirae Ozwomen gave the names of Zorroargh for the Kingdom, Daomei for the Theocracy, Geyos for the Empire and Kiwalie for the Federation.

After a technical aside regarding the status of Ser Khalaoden who’s acting as translator for the Vassals of Davae but who isn’t a Vassal himself and then can only attend the public sessions of the Chamber, Filira Salazar has reminded that he had been entrusted by the Karan to investigate about the differences in the memories of the homins. The Karavan intervention in Almati Woods has for sure provided explanations about the reasons, but doesn’t change a thing regarding its consequences. In answer to the question of Filira Salazar, Stevano-Karan has confirmed that he wanted to see these various memories preserved and gathered in the library****. As an historian, Filira Salazar claimed himself to be perfectly aware of the necessary obligations commanded to public documents, compared to the publications open to the sole historians.

After a reminder of the respect due to the Karan, the Cleric novitiate Shepeng has pronounced the prayer for the end of the Chamber, and the session has been closed.

Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Holeth, Floris 24, 3rd AC 2581

Stevano Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe

* on January 9th, 2015
** I’ve tried to sort attendants per rank: Nobles, subjects with a given role, subjects, non subjects. As usual, please let me know by IG mail if I’ve been mistaken.
*** on Friday, 16 January 2015 20:00:00 UTC (10 years ago)
**** the memories of the homins can be gathered, among other places, in the Ryzom Wiki
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