bulk upgrade for guild hall

i promiced to do this in the past and now here it is, links to posts related to bulk upgrade request of the past. (really starting to feel ignored by the dev's about this much requested feature)

old forum link (player wish list)

old forum link (this one also has a poll with over 70% support of upgrades, sound familiar?)

old forum link (player speaks about buying extar apt bulk)

i could find several more on the old forums, but thought that this was a good start. there are several on new forums, but for the last two years my two have been the active ones. (not sure on the non-english forums, as the results were limited to english; if there are similar thread in other languages, i would love to have links posted here by anyone willing.)

it's very clear that bulk and slot's are importiant to a large number of the player base, i'm not the only one. i'm true to my word that: I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON THIS PATH BECAUSE IT IS A VALID REQUEST!! (nay say all you want, it's clear that more of us want it then are against it, even historically proven with the old forum's poll)

ya know, this shouldn't be that hard to do, based on some reliable sources i've spoken with, it's not something that would take much work or effort to really offer us. (when i have 1m bulk and 50k slot's in my apt i'll shut up about this, till then, the talk will not give up.)


Remickla (atys)
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