
[Matis] Nobles assembly of Yrkanis

Ser Erminantius had been informed of the small troubles that some Tryker had noticed in the report of the royal scribe.
But, as he was unfortunately confined in his bed due to illness, Erminantius hadn’t been able to attend the last Chamber of the Nobles in Yrkanis.

He was wondering if all this didn’t come from a misunderstanding of what the Trykers where trying to do on the subject of their market.

He took his quill and wrote to the royal scribe:

Ser Copal,

Knowing you, I know well that you have transcribed faithfully the words said during this Chamber. Personally I repeat my trust in you.
However I’ve got a question, and a proposal indeed for the future. Which representative of the Lakes did attend this Chamber? Was the tryker ambassador towards the Kingdom attending?
If the Ambassador Alco had misunderstood the Lakes intentions, or if she had been badly informed of the Taliari’s intentions towards our kingdom, the tryker ambassador could have corrected and then avoid any misunderstanding…

Ser Copal, while you remain master of your reports to the Karan, I suggest that you may add the names of the attendants along with their titles (ambassador, leader of a House…)

Ser Erminantius

PS: OOC text of course
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