
[Matis] Nobles assembly of Yrkanis

The Nobles Chamber of the Verdant Heights has gathered in the Royal Palace of Yrkanis, on Quinteth, Nivia 11, 2nd AC 2580*, and was lead by His Grace the Duke Rodi di Varello, counsellor of the Karan Stevano.

Accordingly to the reorganisation wanted by the Karan, Novice Cleric Shepeng opened the session with a fervent prayer to the Goddess.

Also in agreement with the reform of the Karan Court pronounced during the last Chamber of the Nobles, the leader of House “La Firme”, Ser Mendell, has been ennobled by the Duke di Varello. The new noble has immediately sworn once more to serve the Karan, the Kingdom and Jena.

Serae Alco, ambassador towards the Federation, has then told the last news from the Lakes.
First, a dangerous marauder has been judged and sentenced there. Simply to community service.
The other piece of news is the will of the taliari to reopen a tryker market, where the price for the stands would be chosen depending on the nation of the seller. With the higher price applied to the Kingdom’s subjects.
Finally, same assembly expressed the wish to take back all the ouptosts that would not be currently hold by tryker citizens.
All these points have not been subject to public comments.
Ambassador Erminantius wasn’t present, but news from the Theocracy were of few importance, and didn’t affect the Kingdom.
Further, Serae Ozwomen has mentioned that there was nothing new by the Rangers.

Finally, His Grace announced that the Royal College would now take care of providing the food to the captive kitin.

Public session was closed after a moving amazon prayer, by Serae Zendae.

Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Quarta, Folially 22, 3rd AC 2580

Stevano Aiye!
Matis Aiye!
Jena Aiye!

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe

(*)OOC: on October, 24th 2014
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