Web Apps

National Transports, explanations and missions.

Talkirc (atys)
i've took 2 days off from helping them, i'll take a third and i'll use the system all day one day before i try to give, and will again post results, as for a bar that show's the need, that thing NEVER changes on my screen, it needs to be a number like "xx" %, because then color bar always looks the same, ..

The color bar is telling about the usage of the system as opposed to the delivery of products.

In a sane system, it should be somewhere in the middle between full and empty. Actually, it is always on the top margin indicating that much fewer players are using the system for teleports than trying to get rewards from delivering products. Once the system is overflowed with products it will stop to accept them - confusingly with the same message as if an individual supplier had exceeded the 35 products per day limit.

A convenient workaround against overflow is just using the transport system (amazing, isn't it?), doing one or two teleports, then resume handing out products. That is always working for me and Diwu, and I am sure, to all of the rest as well.

I am using the intercity tp in lakes and fyros quite often, not only for freeing handout slots. Those who don't should not complain. Btw., when handing out products I often curse the leechers who steal my open slots without even thinking about teleporting themselves. But heck, I assume ignorance rather than malevolence as the reason.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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