
[DUPLICATE][DONE]buy back/sales lock

Some other games handle it fairly well: you speak to a vendor to select items that will not be sold. Those items then do not show up in the vendor window (at any vendor). You speak to a vendor again to select or deselect items for sale.

There are a couple examples already of items that can't be sold:

- Cats show up in the vendor window, but can't be sold
- Mission mats don't show up in the vendor window, can't be sold, and also can't be traded

They could each use different mechanisms to implement "no selling", but precedent is there, and additional support would be a fairly quick job; the logic is very straight-forward. It would basically just be busywork, more than anything else. The complexity would depend on whether you convert cases like cats and mission mats to use the new support functionality or not -- mass changes on production databases are never fun.

People have been asking for it for a while, it's a fairly simple (as opposed to complex) task, so maybe there's a chance we'll see it implemented?
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