"Be quiet. Beware. Enemy ears are listening".

The torment of traitors

"Nec, that's not right"Staeflina tormented herself.

She couldn't fall asleep, torn: in her eyes, her fault was going to splash then
tarnish the reputation of his House.

"Serae Liosta told me that the matter would be settled within the firm... Nec, I can't, I can't, I can't!
can't take them with me.
Perhaps if I make amends myself, the Karan will consider me alone, and not the other way around.
my friends. It's not their fault after's all my fault..."

Staeflina wiped a tear from under her right eye. Even more than the
Although she was feeling the effects of her drug withdrawal, remorse overwhelmed her. She lay prostrate on her bed,
without knowing what to do to find relief.

Towards midnight, a light dawned on her mind, although she also had the impression that it was the same light as the one she had just seen.
ci was shining in her room: it was obvious to her that she had to rely on the Mother, on Jena.
Jena, whom she had neglected, who up until now had been just part of her "cover"...
But she had joined his cult, even if it had been under a cloud of hypocrisy.
From his lips, softened by fatigue, came a brief plea.

His thoughts then turned to "Cirrus", the dream sower... What had he
promise, after all? Nothing other than to "float" in its vapors, while now, they're "floating" in its vapors.
destroy it from the inside?
No, "Cirrus" had ambitious plans for her... or so it seemed.

Staeflina had the intuition that he had foreseen the evils she was now enduring, in a subtle and cruel way.
to get rid of a troublesome witness. What he used to maintain his spy was also his own.
useful for muddying the waters when the time comes.

Staeflina paused at this "moment". If Liosta hadn't taken care of her quickly, it would have been her fault.
death. No resurrection could have brought her back, for she would have died too slowly, too slowly.
What had he said to her? Something like:

"You'll be in the front row when we bring down the tyrant. Don't you think he's done too much
suffer your cousin, Staerano."

He couldn't have come up with a better argument, for Staeflina was then feeling guilty, about
the latter's state of health. However, "Cirrus" had never really talked about his plans for a coup.
state. Either because he didn't have absolute confidence in his spy, or because he didn't have any.
Staeflina, perhaps mistaken, dared to hope for the second option.

Staeflina wasn't the only one worried.

The mysterious "Cirrus", erected in
in his stirrups, watched over the city of Avalae from a hilltop. From the top of the sylvan dwellings
smoke rose from the chimneys to the top of the untrimmed trunk.
A discreet message had alerted him to the return of his homine de main to the Majestic Gardens.
But now he was worried. He didn't know how to get back in touch with her. The way of amber
was now compromised, even if he didn't yet know to what degree. It could still be
Who knows if a child had taken the amber to play?
In any case, he didn't dare venture into town, not knowing exactly what the hominid he'd been looking for would do.
had been arrested by Filira Zagabranth, unbeknownst to him, could have revealed.

"Once again, I find that doing things in a hurry doesn't help.
nothing..."he grumbled.

Taking one last look, hoping to spot his spy among the crowd of onlookers, "Cirrus"...
spurred on his mount, and turned his back on the town at full gallop.
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