"Be quiet. Beware. Enemy ears are listening".

Duke had several options for identifying the substance Staeflina had given them.

He knew it would be of interest to the Alkiane Order, but he felt a sort of revulsion at making things so easy for them, especially after the way they'd treated the young recruit from the Firm. Their mania for secrecy and conspiracy sometimes made them so detestable.

There was also the herbalist. Duke found him a little strange, but he was competent. At least he'd have reliable and, he thought, impartial information. But to find him... He'd have to be discreet about that.

After some thought, the Matis sent his cousin Grobilo to the Avalae bar to renew contact, and sent an izam to Canillia anyway:


Ducocinnio Nono, dit Duke Nono
Noble Matis, artisan de la maison noble La Firme
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena
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