"Be quiet. Beware. Enemy ears are listening".

When tongues are wagging

Staeflina dropped like a sledgehammer onto the mattress in one of the rooms of the Firm's hall. It was as if a burden had evaporated from her shoulders. No doubt she hadn't realized the weight that was accumulating... but it was there.
How ironic! She'd managed to get the better of serae Canillia during her impromptu interrogation, and now she'd dropped everything on serae Liosta. The fact that they were friends must have helped, certainly. But for the most part, it was that sudden uneasiness, much more than just uneasiness, in fact...

The drug supplied by Cirrus had begun to eat away at her insidiously, without making her feel bad. Then, all of a sudden, the revolt in her system, the pain in her lungs, just as Liosta was questioning her - it was all over.
"no, just chatting"corrected Staeflina.

Everything was now in the hands of the Firm. She had abandoned everything to them. Anxiety tried to take hold of her; the future was indeed uncertain. But mentally, as if with a wave of her hand, Staeflina brushed aside this thought:

"That says it all. she murmured. "It'll all be over soon."

And sleep came at last, to take her away from these worries...
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