"Be quiet. Beware. Enemy ears are listening".

Love from Zora!

Staeflina was in her room in Zora, in her parents' house. Pensive, crouching on her bed, a few personal belongings, waiting to be stuffed into a bundle, surrounded her.

She hadn't particularly counted the days, but it must have been some time - maybe a month - since she'd left the Majestic Gardens in a hurry.

"That day, Cirrus had defied all the prohibitions he had set himself. He had come in person, without warning, to his home in Avalae... In fact, he had taken the precaution of passing off his visit as an ordinary lovers' meeting, and had taken care to put the message in writing, for in this profession more than any other, one feared that the walls had ears.

The day after this interview, Staeflina had packed her bags and informed serae Liosta that she was taking some time off.

During this period, she hadn't even tried to contact "Cirrus", to, if possible, fool any agents trying to intercept a new amber.
In any case, she didn't have a "dead letter box" procedure.
to Zora.

Snapping out of her reverie, Staeflina decided that the matter should be buried in the Kingdom from now on.
She finished packing her socks and dresses into her bag, then went to her parents to make her a-Jena.
A little later, she was in a caravan bound for the Gardens, via Silan.
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