Wiki(s) information


Wikis are managed by players, and everyone has access to them. To add/modify information, use the "Login with RYZOM" at the top right.

Use the left side

General information

  • Its formatting is dated, so it's best to consult it out of the game.
  • Many of the pages are out of date, and there aren't many of us working on them, so we need help (especially from English, Spanish, German and Russian speakers).
  • Historically, players have created several wikis (with very different content and structures, as they were created by players who didn't know each other). The Zorroargh(in particular) has done a lot of work on importing wikis, and harmonising their structures (concept of tree categories).
  • There are now 6 wikis: a common one for all files(images, .odt, .pdf) and 5 wikis (FR, EN, DE, ES and RY).
  • You can choose to browse :

Useful information



See you :)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger
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Last visit viernes 13 septiembre 02:38:52 UTC

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