Ryzom Models, 400x400 png and blender


I found some blender files of the ryzom creature models a few years back, but sadly the textures were a mess, not included or non-relative paths.
So for fun i wanted to re-apply all the textures and save nice transparent images of all the creatures.
Today i finally finished with the last of them and so i want to share all these great pictures.


Images transparent png 400x400 91~MB:
Zip: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ahtl44b7pq48fw6/Ryzom_Models_400x4 00_-_07-2023.zip/file
Rar: https://www.mediafire.com/file/qi2fdnxa672dhcq/Ryzom_Models_400x4 00_-_07-2023.rar/file

* A total of 303 images, with 1 Gubunny extra.
* I took the textures straight from the game files.
* The file names reflect the texture name, tr = lake, fo = forest, fy = desert etc.
Creatures might not be found in the region its file name says because of that.
* Some of the creatures might not fully reflect in game, lighting, specular textures and/or special effects are left out.
* Goo textures are not consistent, some were transparent, while others were solid, some are half goo half region texture.
For those that i could, i made "Region_Goo" versions, some like Ocyx had a half/half texture so i couldn't make a Desert_Goo version.
* Had no Yubokin file so had to make it myself.
* Texture Alpha were a mess...

Arceuid once requested a Kipee model to make a 3d printed model, so I'll include all the model files below.
maybe someone else will make some awesome 3D printed figurines.

Rar Blender files no animation 389~MB:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/hmzmt4eqfkvj1sb/Ryzom_Models_No_An imation_-_07-2023.rar/file

Hope you all enjoy it and that someone is able to make use of them.

22-July-2023 Fixed models and added 4 new images & models:
* Converted and Changed all .dds/.png textures to .tga in the models
* Added Kirosta_Depth_Goo
* Added Kirosta_Desert_Goo
* Added Kirosta_Jungle_Goo
* Added Cratcha_Boss2
November-2021 added 4 models:
* Added Zombie Izam/Messab/Yubo and Christmas Yubo
April-2021 Fixed 2 things:
* Kirosta_Boss was showing a normal kirosta, the rar and zip have been updated, if you had the old one grab the image above.
* Changed Jubla_Jungle2_Boss name to Jubla_Boss


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Last visit Четверг, 9 Мая 14:00:57 UTC

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