¿Qué le gustaría para el próximo año (2020-24) en Ryzom?

I don't really have a strong opinion on eggs, one reason being they take up too much room so I dont keep them. The other reason is .... must are too weak to bother with.

I keep a few for those rare occasions say I have a mission way up in the maze. I see one downside tho ... and it's akin to the "we have 10,000 Zun in GH thing. Shall they be so light that one can store 1,000s of them and make boss hunting a no risk daily exercise ? I would want to remove the value of practicing the sneak technique ... being able to walk thru any region unscathed should remain a desired skill ... wouldn't want to have eggs make that unnecessary. Ideally, from my view ....

1. Eliminate rewards below the player level ... giving low level eggs, crystals, etc to a player w/ multiple masters is just annoying. You can't give them to guildies, you can't trade them ... you just have to waste significant time deleting them.

2. Reduce bulk ... don't go crazy ... maybe start at half .. and see how it goes. Take another look at it in 6 months.

3. I like the steenky. rotten eggs. If an egg sits around too long, let it degrade. maybe % goes to a 4 after a month ... a 4 goes to a 3 ... eventually if you have 3 egg events in a year ... they should be close to expiration by next event,


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Last visit miércoles 18 septiembre 21:32:32 UTC

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