Jewel boxes and outfits.

And you still have to transfer the items, one by one, into whichever mule or room you want to put them in.

Instead of just having to do one transfer of a bag or box filled with the items automatically when you do the /naked.

And even if you don't transfer them to storage, you have a bag with many slots taken up by jewels which could all fit in one box or bag inside your storage.

A box for focus jewels. A box for Sap jewels. A box for HP jewels. Etc.

Or a personal storage filled with all sorts of individual jewels.

Same for armors.

If in an apartment, and you hit the /naked command, all the armor you're wearing is removed and put into it's proper closet shelf. Skip the character's bag entirely. And to equip your desired set, right click on the closet shelf and click "equip".

2 clicks. done. Full armor change. and your inventory isn't spammed by all your armor variations.

the shelves could still count towards overall storage limits. Same as the jewelry boxes. So, this isn't a back door attempt at more storage.

Just a desire to cut down all the fussy aspects of it.
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