
Sure, I was just trying (badly?) to describe why I see it this way.

i know, i think we all getting frustrated :P

im one of the worst multiboxers, i cant even do a 260 named with my alt, i sometimes wipe on nekothus, but multiboxing requires skill to play well, and when people start thinking of multiboxers as perfect efficient robots (bots), it downgrades the art of multiboxing.
i'm fine with explaining how i play. but im sure im the least skilled multiboxer :P i just like my way, don't matter to me that i cant kill 220+ bosses or 260 named. i just want to enjoy my time.

sure theres advantages, but also alot of negatives.
a team of 4 humans has 4 brains, 4 sets of eyes to watch north south east west for patrols, a multiboxer does not gain more eyes just because he controls 4 chars.

its thesame for 'World of Warcraft' they allow multiboxers but not bots, because theres a very clear difference.
multibox has negatives and positive advantages.
botting has only positive advantages.

thats why i want the devs to make specific rules, like no alts at OP battles.


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