
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports

Ryzom Forge meeting report - September 10th, 2018

Ryzom Wiki

Zorroargh (RF) - 19:38 UTC
The wiki is reaching a good maturity in my opinion. I have more or less managed to see how to align the categories, templates, etc. between the different wikis, so that we can all talk about almost the same topics.
Well, it will still take me a long time!
As for the life of the wiki, I am happy to see that we have more and more very dynamic contributors…. Unfortunately, mainly in the FR group. I hope others will come (DE, EN, ES), because they are the ones who make the wiki live, not me.
Lastly, I was planning to create a RP meeting (in Almati Wood for instance) so that we could discuss the wiki freely and at length (excluding technical: content, look, etc.). Let me know by izam what you think, please.

Q: Do you need help with technical things on the wiki? Updating, extensions, etc.?
You are always welcome.

Q: In the past, I sent two password requests to help on the wiki with EN2DE translations, I never got an answer.
Yes, it is possible. We recently discovered a bug that caused replies not to be sent. I suggest you try again, but please give me your name and/or CV, something telling me that you are a member of Ryzom.

Q: Would a public channel on Rocket help you to communicate better?
Why not? The difficulty in RP is the mix of languages I would like to see there.... It slows down communication a lot. While in a forum, you take your time and ALL people see and can participate in the same place.

JYS, Wheel of Fortune Tokens and Prizes, Atys Points

Ulukyn (RT) - 20:07 UTC
The principle of the JYS (Jena Year Seasons) is to apply a patch of content at regular intervals, as it happens all the new years of Jena. Therefore, there will be additions every 2.5 months or so.
Among these additions will be, for sure, wigs, new zigs (small pets), plush toys and, why not, other mounts. As for wigs, the idea is first to make the hairstyles of other nations available, then to add new ones.
We will provide tutorials and have opened a bitbucket repository ( containing all the graphic additions we have made and will make. So we hope that more people will be able to participate.
But the JYS will also be an opportunity to implement new gameplay contents. Some are already under study and others will be soon.
As the JYS are set on the Atysian New Years, the next patch of this type will be applied in November or December (to be calculated). More information will be given to you later... Or maybe not, so as not to spoil your enjoyment of the surprise.

Wheel of Fortune Tokens
There will be basic ones to convert (one old against one new) and basic ones to buy (up to 500 per day).
Fine tokens will also be available for purchase, but at a variable price. Initially very high, their price will decrease over time but will increase with each purchase. This means that the more tokens players buy, the higher their price will be. Conversely, the less tokens players buy, the lower their price will be.
Tokens other than basic or fine tokens will not be available for purchase. But don't worry: little additions will allow you to regularly win tokens.

Wheel of Fortune Prizes
Each JYS, as you will have understood, will bring its own set of new prizes for the Wheel.
Not to mention special tokens given for OOC events such as Atysoël, Anlor Winn, etc. that will help you win no less special prizes.

Points Atys
As for Atys Points, it's more complicated. They will allow you to buy items that reward participation in events and we would like to reward players as fairly as possible.
But we would also also like the purchasing system to be nice: that one can't get everything too easily, but that those who don't participate much in events can buy what they like. And, of course, we have to imagine kind and funny rewards.
We have a lot of ideas (homina and homin dolls, for example), some of them really original, but like the Wheel of Fortune, we prefer to take the time to think things through.
So be patient! It will come. Especially since the tools for the sale are online and in the process of being debugged.

Q: Just a suggestion…. Maybe you could also make tokens a very rare drop off mobs so unaware players might just stumble upon them?
Good idea!

Purple Gubani and schedule of events

Tamarea (RT) - 21:03 UTC
Purple Gubani
The last part of the "Purple Gubani" sequence of events started at the Void, with Goo fumes modified so as not to penalize the gameplay (less lagss and much less damage).
The sequence will end with the introduction of a new contaminated Cratcha Boss.

Schedule of events
From now on, roleplay events will take place either on Friday or Sunday because these are the evenings when more players can participate.
They will be announced as far in advance as possible on the WebIG calendar, so that those who organize outpost battles can be informed of free evenings.
On the other days, OOC events (such as mini-bosses) may take place several times a month.
During the RL holiday periods, we will continue to offer permanent OOC events.

Q: Any news of the kitin invasions?

Tamarea (RT) - 21:10 UTC
A: Kitin invasions, different from the old ones, are under development, yes.
These will be dynamic events, i.e. the extent of an invasion will depend on how quickly you will deal with it.
It will be up to you to detect the spawn of domes disgorging kitins before it is too late!
I don't know yet if there will be Exterminators (the kitin bosses of the old invasions) among the invaders.
Other dynamic events are also in preparation. Example: A NPC in a city leaves her/his post to ask for help, and any player can agree to be of service to her/him.

Closing (CSR recruitment)

Tamarea (RT) - 21:22 UTC
The Support team is recruiting!
For more information, please see:


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