
Powers of event team

Thank you Cerulean,
I was already contacted in game.
I asked about this before I create any events, just so I know where are the boundries.
If I plan some event in future I will certainly contact event team :)

I would like in future something in way of :
Zorai start new research center. They end up deciding they need a base. *We might add an existing house model somewhere, maybe add a sign that on mouse hover over says like "Research Center"* Then players might have multiple RPs there, and maybe go on an archeology dig somewhere. *Here would be cool to have special item added, something like dried goo, that's diggable but unused in game (i would even provide an image for this in ryzom art style, np) * Maybe they RP about studying it futher and find out it has some magical potential. They decide naming it something like "Growing Crystals". *Here would be nice if all items of this sort would be globaly renamed." They then decide that they want to get hold of more of them. So there might be event of collecting let's say 2k. *Here might be good idea to have someone who waits on specific place for delivery, writes down how much of it he got, maybe destroy it afterwards, but when they collect it, something like crates might appear next to research center* Then they decide on using it somehow. And more in-game stuff might be nice to be placed into a world.

This is ofc, only an idea how it MIGHT go on. An example of what I would use these "powers" for.

I understand very well that in-game object placing requires clients to download a patch (even if only small one, if that object is already part of game) and restart of game. But then this story I wrote here might take months even. So it wouldn't require restarts of server often. Nor it would require big patches. Maybe it could be part of some real patches.

I saw already something you call scene editor. Which might be enough for this sort of thing and I could manage it myself. But then I didn't found objects like houses. Nor I found how to change object values like visibility. Or efects like fire. Nor any tutorial videos of how to do any of these things.
Having knowledge of how scene editor really works and having access to these objects and effects would handle MOST of my questions. We might still want something like a special title for people. Maybe special in-game item with no REAL use. Or having a member of event team walk around and talk as some ryzom creature that's unplayable. But we would get rid of any big world changes ! :)


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Last visit sábado 4 mayo 19:14:42 UTC

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