[Event for all] “13 Years of Anlor Winn” (October 30- November 12)

1 – The Perilous Maze


Event location: Matis Arena
:  Dappers to buy lives (1 for 5 kÐ, 2 for 9 kÐ, 3 for 14 kÐ)
Aim of the game
: Find the safe way through the maze to win the jackpot!

  • Talk to Pigno Niri to buy lives (3 at most). The dappers you give to buy your lives are added to the Jackpot (which begins at 1 MÐ each time).
  • Start the game if no other player is currently playing. You are teleported into the maze.
  • Try to reach the other side to open the chest and get the jackpot and a title. You will then level up and be able to carry on with next level. The jackpot amount will be reset to 1 MÐ.
If you have completed all four levels, you can start at level 1 again.
The maze offers only one secure path, all other paths are random traps!
If you run under invulnerability through the maze, you'll be ported back to the entry of the maze and told that "This is not the right way of doing it!"
If you remain static while playing in the labyrinth, your character will be teleported after a while to open the maze to the next player.
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Last visit viernes 10 mayo 16:36:43 UTC

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