The destruction of the Fyros Akenak roleplay

Chronicles of Atys
[Imperial decree] Civil reorganisation of the Empire cities around their akenak

Article 1 – Civil organisation of the Empire cities

Each city of the sharük is placed under the responsibility of a sole akenak. The akenak is the civil representative of the sharükos to the town inhabitants. Their duty is to ensure, as the Emperor himself would, that the needs of his fellow citizens, with respect to the four Pillars, are met.

a) To assist with their dutys, the akenak can appoint Patriots in his city to the title of akenos, to be entrusted with various tasks. akenak are ultimatly responsible for their appointed akenos. Those patriots appointed akenos will have to prove they are worthy, just as their akenak does.
Nevertheless, all Patriots are free to be part of the assemblies and to express themselves there by exchanging their ideas and opinions, as long as they do it in the respect of the Fyros values.

b) The akenak can ask the celikaos of his city for advice as they require, and communicate with the Imperial Senate or with sharükos if needed.

c) The military decisions remain the prerogative of the strategos.

The decisions concerning the whole Empire will be shared by the akenak of the three cities gathered in Pyr, subject to the approval of sharükos or the one of the Imperial Senate.

Article 2 – akenak appointment

The Emperor will appoint in person the akenak, every two years of Jena, among the candidates worthy of this office who will have presented themselves to the celiakos of their cities.

Application conditions

a) Only Patriots can apply to the akenak position.

b) The applicants will have to prove, by words or by their past actions, their devotion to sharükos, to the sharük, to the Pillars and to the Desert’s People. They’ll have to commit to continue upholding the Pillars, and to lead their fellow citizens, by their example and by their actions.

c) The applicants will have to prove their representation, by having the Patriots who support them attending their application speech.

d) Once the two years of Jena are over, the akenak will give back their position, and any Patriot who thinks he fulfils the required conditions can submit his application to the celiakos.
If an akenak wishes to continue his role, they will prove their worth again, by their acts to the trial of the sharükos, and his fellow citizens.

Post vacancy

a) In case of occasional vacancy in their position, the akenak can delegate their responsibilities to one of their akenos.

b) In case of extended vacancy, they will have to render their office, and the celiakos and the people of their Cities will present new applicants.

Article 3 – Multiple applications

a) If enough valuable Patriots are ready to serve sharükos and the sharük as akenak for a city, they will then share the length of the mandate in equal durations, starting with the one with the more supports.

b) There won’t be more than one applicant at the same time per patriot guild: it is up to each guild leader to chose with fairness in their ranks, the most capable Patriot to practice this responsibility.

Article 4 – akenak forfeiture

If an akenak disobeyed the Emperor, or betrayed the Pillars or the Patriots whom they promised to protect and guide, they would be immediately be dismissed from thier post. The greater the honour, the greater the responsibility.

Lykos – Pyr Imperial Palace
Germinally 25, 1st AC, 2585

Fyros values

'... Justice is the fourth pillar. The Emperor is our absolute chief, though even he must scrupulously obey the laws decreed by our ancestors. From the most powerful to the most humble, we respect our laws without compromise. In truth, then, it is not the Imperial Chief but the Imperial Law that dictates our conduct. ...'

Fyros government organization

'... Akenak (Parliament) - Currently 5

They are elected by the Fyros citizens for a one Jena year duration (2 and a half months IRL) .... .'

Formerly, the Fyros Akenak were elected by the Fyros player community. There were speeches and discussions in the tavern. There was life.
Now, a Fyros player can apply for the Akenak job, but it is the event team who decides.

The Fyros Akenak players are no represantatives of the Fyros people anymore.

Formerly, all Fyros Akenak players were equal.
Now the event team appoints a willing Akenak candidate and rewards him/her with the 'privilege' to 'choose' other players to be more equal.

The Fyros event team turned an egalitarian player system into an elitarian system for a few chosen players.

A few weeks ago I asked the german fyros event team manager about the reason for the destruction of the Fyros Akenak player lore.
The answer was short and insufficient. The Fyros Akenak system needed to be destroyed because it was necessary to do so. No explanation of the necessity.

With my character Nuzanshi I used to serve as a real elected Akenak on the german (Leanon) server. Me and my Akenak colleagues did a fairly good job until heavy bias and aggressive nonsense 'roleplay' by the german event team made it a waste of time.

Among other reasons, the recent destruction of the Fyros Akenak player system made me quit my Ryzom subscription.

/sel deyùch
/I disagree
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