Worrying News

It was pitch dark, a light wind lifted the dead leaves on the road. I returned from the capital to Avalae to finish to fill up the logbook in the office of the Alkiane Order. As I was now only fifty yards from the the town's gate, I saw that the Guard of the city was particularly active. Thinking I would be able to enter Avalae without problems, I kept on my pace, but, as I was reaching the gate, was stopped dead by two guards.

The first one exclaimed dryly: "Not one more step Matis ! The city is on alert ! "

The other completed with: "We have recorded at least one attack against the buildings of the Alkiane Order. We don't know if other Noble Houses have been affected."

Seeing that the two guards did not recognized me and were particularly tense, I had a hand ready to unsheathe my Klout Kara to defend myself. In the moment, the first guard used the tip of his spear to remove the hood that protected me from the wind while the other held me at gunpoint.

Their captain realized that the two young guards threatened a noble and, furthermore, the Guide of Alkiane, the very Order which had
just been the victim of an attack. "Don't you recognize Ser Zagh of The Alkiane Order! Stop this right now, let him proceed! ", yelled the
captain at his soldiers.

Nodding a thank to the captain, I entered the town. The tension was palpable. The looks were suspicious. I walked without delay toward
the buildings of the Order. The opening system of the door had been forced in a way I could not explain. The common chest of the Order had been robbed as well as all the manuscripts about Mateis we were keeping here. I went down to the laboratories of the Order and saw their doors had been forced. Our recipes and botanical manuscripts had disappeared, and worse, some products of unaccomplished researches the Order preciously preserve too.

I went up to my office and on entering saw a leaflet. It read:
"Fila, slaves of Royalty. We are now going to attack the other Noble Houses. Meet at 22h - Prima, Mystia 1, 2586 3rd AC at the vortex of the Knoll of Dissent."(*)
The bill was signed "The True Sap".

(*) [OOC] Appointment Monday January the 18th 8:00 pm UTC (9:00 pm Paris).


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