The official Lore wiki merges with the Ryzom Wiki!

The official Lore wiki merges with the Ryzom Wiki and opens to the Player Community!

Dear Players,

We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming merge of the official Lore Wiki and one created by players: Ryzom Wiki.
This merge will give birth to a new Lore wiki, both official and collaborative, co-managed by the Events Team and the current Ryzom Wiki managers, which, we are hoping, will provide it with an unrivalled dynamism.

We are inviting every player to take part in its enrichment, as was possible on the Ryzom Wiki. Our other ambitions are, on one hand, to allow the contributors to take part in the enrichment of the public Lore by creating new pages and completing existing ones and, on the other hand, to highlight their work by making he approved additions official.

We'll communicate to you the address of the new wiki (which uses the same engine as the Ryzom Wiki and WikiPedia: mediawiki) as soon as the tests have advanced enough on it.
Currently, the content of the official public Lore and the English, German and French Lore Wikis (Ryzom Wiki) have been migrated. So, any addition done after April 29th on one of these wikis will have do be copied manually later on the new communal wiki by its contributor.

We're hoping that this collaboration between the player community and the Events Team will be mutually beneficial and will allow to better highlight the Lore, which is, with its community, the richness of Ryzom.

The Ryzom Team and the managers of Ryzom Wiki


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
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Last visit domingo 12 mayo 23:27:10 UTC

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