
Exklusives Thesos-Fyros-Event?

I hope you can't forget!

It wasn't a german event though. Rahael does not speak german, the EM helping doesn't speak german and the event was conducted in french and english language ;)

We didn't "sneak in" in a OOC sense: 1

Everyone could have read it, everyone could have seen us enter the city, no doubt some did. We were all tagged up, but the Fyros didn't care. Actually we did prepare an alternative location in case we met sufficient resistance. But we did not need it.

No we didn't ask AkenXX about permission. This would have been out of place, don't you think? It was the whole point. If your german and english speaking fyros mates didn't tell you... their bad, not ours.

PS.: RP-wise we used meks to carry the decoration to pyr. Our guests will confirm that there was no decoration before we unpacked our meks. And there was no need to remove it. We just put it on fire (as seen on the screenshot) and had the fyros clean up later.

PPS: We actually though about our way to publish it. We concluded that informing on two forums only would have the intended impact of some fyros knowing, some not. We chose the english one as the most international platform and added the german one.


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear
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