Entraide GNU/Linux

Green screen when I click create a character under GNU/Linux

Heya probably kinda late as I just saw your post but I have Fedora 19 running on my laptop and my desktop both are running ryzom perfectly.... not sure if your issue is related to your radeon video card as both my puters have nvidia cards but I can tell you what I installed to get ryzom working on fedora 19 xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs i686, compiz 0.8.8-25.fc19 i686, compiz-devel 0.8.8-25.fc19 i686, compiz-plugins-extra 0.8.8-10.fc19 i686, compiz-plugins-extra-devel 0.8.8-10.fc19 compiz-plugins-main 0.8.8-9.fc19 i686, compiz-plugins-main-devel 0.8.8-9.fc19 i686, for sound alsa-lib i686, alsa-plugins-pulseaudio 1.0.27-1.fc19 i686 thats it. I installed compiz because of i like the desktop effects but the reason for i686 compiz is it pulls in the needed packages to run ryzom on fedora 19 brsides the nvidia-libs mentioned above also was able to get it to work same method in centos 6.3 so if your still trying to get it to work.... try installing the files above ( of course you know to install rpmfusion repo) if you cant get it to work more than likely is radeon related!!!... best of luck!!!
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Last visit jeudi 2 Mai 16:24:48 UTC

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