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Display Bug for New Horizon Transporters in Windows Client

Recently, a display bug exists in Windows Client which hinders players to be aware of a chain of possible civ fame missions and the danger of collapse of intercity teleport.

The transporters of New Horizon have, when called (clicking "Helllo") a third option, "I want to help you" ("Ich möchte Dir helfen", "je souhaite de t'aider" or so).

If calling that option with the windows client, you get the window "Support", but the topics "(country) transport status" and "support missions" (accordingly in German and French) only show a circled x. So, the users are not aware of the status of transports, though they may guess that the request for food, water, map and tool may mean a product of the basic occupations florist, water carrier, magnetic cartographer, and toolmaker. The daring and inquiring ones will recognize that the reward in civ fame is quite genorous.

But they are not able to see that the transport status is already deteriorating significantly though still bit distant from the yellow or red alert status.

Display works fine with linux client, probably with mac client as well. It should be fixed, and players should consider contributing supporting New Horizon transport.


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