
#1 [en] 

I have been wondering about why the following haven't been introduced;

Generic Magic Amplifiers

Generic Dagger

Generic 1H sword, mace, spear

Generic jewelery

Generic Armors (HA, MA, LA)

I was thinking, if they ARE introduced, maybe they could be the result of special rites. Perhaps the rites would be unlocked after the player was able to equip Q250 gear.

Maybe for the Magic amps-

they would have to go to the ZORAI SAGE, in Zora.

Maybe for the Generic Dagger-

they would have to visit the TRYKER SAGE, in Fairhaven.

Maybe for the other 1H weapons-

they would go to the FYROS SAGE, in PYR.

Maybe for the Generic Jewelry-

they would talk with the MATIS SAGE, in Yrkanis.

Maybe for the Generic Armor-

they would have to go visit a Hermit/Sage, in a very dangerous, remote place
that surprisingly enough,
would be perfectly safe after they are at the old hermit's camp site

the rites could encompass the WHOLE planet of Atys

-Almati woods,
-Prime Roots,
and the 4 regions -
- Lakes,
- Jungle,
- Desert,
- Forest

where for each sage, they have to collect something,
or visit a neutral camp to talk with the tribe chief for some information,
of course, like the Silt Sculptor dagger rite (Tryker),
they would have to PROVE THEIR WORTH
.... for nothing is free,
and the information the tribe would have acquired over generations
came to them at a price also.

would it take a lot of hours figuring out everything?
would it be worth it in the end?
there are folks out there looking for a challenge
MAYBE these rites could offer that .... for awhile at least.
some hard-core players would probably have it all done in less than a week.
as for me, maybe a couple of months ..... if I could even get to where the sites are, for material collection, or "special tasks" given by the tribes

I think it would be lots of fun
and the rewards would be cool,
a FULL inventory of generic weapons / armor / jewels -

-- rather than race specific --

#2 [en] 

new content is always a + for me



#3 [en] 

Generic Magic Amplifiers
Generic Dagger
Generic 1H sword, mace, spear
Generic jewelery
Generic Armors (HA, MA, LA)

I was thinking, if they ARE introduced, maybe they could be the result of special rites. Perhaps the rites would be unlocked after the player was able to equip Q250 gear.


I think it would be lots of fun
and the rewards would be cool,
a FULL inventory of generic weapons / armor / jewels -

-- rather than race specific --

I totally support that idea, and especially them becoming also available as result of some rite / extended missions like the generic shields etc, too. I'd not tie it to the player being able to carry a weapon - but that's a tiny detail tbd anyway when this is designed in more detail

Last edited by Elke (3 года назад)


#4 [en] 

in light of the ( fact? ) that Madakoo may disappear from the game during the refactoring of bosses process - generic amps plan can become handy ( kek, handy amps xD ) and become in demand

#5 [en] 

I'm thinking that generic jewel and armor plans might be a nice reward for those that master all 5-6 skills of the type, just as mastering all 5 Digs unlocks the Atys prospestion/extraction stanzas. 

As for the weapons, adding a few rites like other generic weapon plans have would be best IMO. The mystical Zorai for amps, the backstabbing Matis for daggers, the blunt and fierce Fyros for mace and sword, and us Trykers with the all-powerful pointy stick.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#6 [en] 

Generic HA and dagger could be a bit too over powered, but easier recipes means less to remember too. More LA options is always good, tho I would still use my stylish Zoraï gear =D

LA, dagger and amps could be using refugee gear's skins.

Maybe it could be Marauder only rite rewards for a change? ;)


#7 [en] 

Generic HA and dagger could be a bit too over powered, but easier recipes means less to remember too.

To my mind, having all 6 HA craft skills at 250 is enough of of an investment to deserve a little bump. As for daggers, it takes a bit to get all four Weapon Craft 25 actions, so the same logic applies if you take combining the best qualities of each race's weapon crafting skills as a prerequisite for crafting THE best dagger. Sure, a dedicated crafter has plenty of "extra" points to spend, but the key word there is "dedicated". It's still a higher bar than other generic plans which require merely doing 4-5 certain missions, and I feel that that higher bar is enough to justify something a little more powerful.

That said, the idea of Marauder-exclusives is kind of appealing. After all, who knows more about combat than those who belive that might makes right? If generic daggers and HA really are OP then it stands to reason that it'd take a wide range of experience to make the "ultimate" OP gear. If that wide range includes spending time as a KoS outcast where one must fight hard merely to survive in a world that despises you, I can see how that would justif being able to learn more about weapons and armor than those who are accepted by society at large.

It really depends on how high you want to set the bar for deserving the right to craft such gear (in other words, how OP you feel they really are). IMO, a generic HA plan would be less OP than the NPC HA, but daggers and amps are debatable.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#8 [en] 

Doesn't generic just mean a difference in durability in exchange for not being region mat locked?

basic dura vs any min-maxing

seems pretty OP to me


#9 [en] 

ok, how about this then....

instead of GENERIC

what if the idea becomes RANGER

RANGERS are the elite Neutrals, right?

so maybe they could get the plans for all mentioned

with the ability to use ANYTHING, from any land to make their gear, not limited to any regions plans or materials

of course taking into consideration that if they wish to 'boost' the gear, they still would have to use their own OP mats to get the boost.

Other than that, MAYBE the elite neutrals deserve truly neutral crafting plans of their own

just a thought


#10 [en] 

To create any new item it requires not just to set the pattern but also to create its model.

#11 [en] 

There is already generic plans available ingame. A first step could the possibility for an homin to learn them via something else than the unfinished and abandoned encyclopedia.
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