
#38 [en] 

The translate function doesn't work on images .... but I gather the issue is that Kidniaks is the issue here.  Also, I assume this was not a "Daily Mission" just one you took from the NPC for building fame or collecting rewards.

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (4 года назад)


#39 [en] 

Ran into same mission as Hayt's Post again

Mission No: C0011V006_31147
Location: Lands of Loria
Giver: Ba'Neppy Breggie
Problem: No Reticule produced, No 197+ Armas

Easy solution would be to change to 192 Ferocious Armas

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (4 года назад)


#40 [en] 

Same as Post #25 ... this time no reticule on either


#41 [en] 

Mission No. C004V001_31125
Mission Giver: Ba'Duffy Gaxy
Mission: Kill (2) Kidniak


#42 [en] 

All infor in image
Flag pops no target reticle,
Mob does not exist

Suggest use level 208 Ferocious Wombai


#43 [en] 

Got that one (post 42)  again today

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (4 года назад)


#44 [en] 


#45 [en] 

No Great Kipesta

Mission calls for Level 235 Flesh. Hitting the flag thingie toproduce the red reticule has no effect,nothing appears.  See image at link above all info thereon

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (3 года назад)


#46 [en] 

See post 44 ...


#47 [en] 

C011V001_30927: can't be confirmed, I have found Great Najabs lvl 248 in LL
Can confirm it too, i've also seen Great Najab today. He was wandering (west wall) from kami teleporter puddles to Gusty Gorge Workshop and back. In company with Death Najab.
Update: They (Great Najabs) are slacking in band of at least of 2.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Hayt (2 года назад)

Last visit Суббота, 28 Сентября 10:11:58 UTC

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