
#1 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Creator of the event: Event Team.Type of event: OOC event, mini games, surprises and spooky fun!
Appropriate levels: All.

Date of the event: Starting Четверг, 31 Октября 2019 20:00:00 UTC (5 лет назад).
Expected duration: 11 days.
Meeting place: All over Atys.

Homins concerned: All.
Synopsis: Anlor Winn in Jena Year 2605 is ongoing, with its OOC events.
To learn more: https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/197516

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HErifg57g

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tamarea (5 лет назад)

#2 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Français
Anlor Winn trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HErifg57g

#3 Доклад | Цитировать[fr] 

Old link from 2018

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 лет назад)


#4 Доклад | Цитировать[fr] 

Suggestion for Future Events of this type:

1. I am assuming that the forum is placing day / times in our own local time zone. Please also included UTC so we can assist other members in informing start / end times. This allows anyone to use the IG App to see what's what.

2. Include end date / time. The notice I read said:

Starting Thursday, 31 October 16:00:00 EDT
Expected duration: 11 days

"Doing the math", assuming each day = 24 hours, with the above ... I get an end date of November 11, 16:00 EDT.

But EDT is over and it's now EST here... so end date would be November 11, 17:00 EST ... it's now 17:50 EST and event was still active.

Also many assumed the end time would be 00:00.

3. Edit the description post to include all events:


The puzzle was a lot of fun but could not inform friends and guildies by forwarding to a description.

Also, would hav eeen nice to have a way to pop up the puzzle piece window (likely there is but don't know how) w/o having to go and click on a punkin.

4. Comments (personal) on events:

a) Maze event is very popular ... personally hate the wait thing. Perhaps a queue could be created whereby you join the queue, get an approximate wait time which has a countdown timer which is updated every 5 minutes or so. When your time is close, say 5 minutes away ... you get a visual flashing indicator on screen. Don't show up on time, or say x minutes late, next person goes and you get pushed back one time slot. After 3 push backs, you get booted from queue.

b) I spent the 1st 40 minutes chasing punkins trying to step on them and left clicking. Maybe ...

"Mysterious burning objects are washing over Atys and creating strange light sources that move on the Bark. Hurry to trample them (*** right click***) before they set fire ...

An option to "Free the Punkins", with alternate rewards,  instead of killing woud been fun.   Spend cupla days snuffing for one title and another cula days chaing "Punkin Liberator" ny setting them free.

c)  Invasions ... I only encountered two.  I guess in part this was dictated by event staff availability.  An NPC in the capitals whom we could inquire about scouting reports would help folks not miss these.

d)  I didn't see the puzzle as being all that attractive from a T & E standpoint ... till I realized i could pursue a piece for 3 minutes and then spend 27 minutes wiping out zombies or whatever.  After finishing tho ... another reward other than AL tokens would be nice .  To my view, these tokens don't appear to hold much value after event ends, unless there will be trade-ins.  I imagin after AW, all our weaps and stuff I expect will morph into something else and long term storage of 30 bulk items isn't practical.

5.  Overall a very pleasing event ... fun, humorous amd involving both individual and group activities ..  Major kudos to the event team.

Edited 6 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 лет назад)


#5 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Edit the description post to include all events:

That would've been nice! But what would've been nicer is if there were some notice that there were even Dynamic Events happening without me having to click that little icon on my map every few minutes just to see if one had started. I often only hear about them from word-of-mouth if I happen to have a friend on who is really, really, really, really into that sort of thing and checks that button every 3 minutes. Maybe a bug in the system?
Also, would hav eeen nice to have a way to pop up the puzzle piece window (likely there is but don't know how) w/o having to go and click on a punkin.
That would've been handy too.
a) Maze event is very popular ... personally hate the wait thing.
Agreed! This year, I took three runs at a quiet hour, but there have been some years where I skipped this one entirely just because of the wait times.
Invasions ... I only encountered two.  I guess in part this was dictated by event staff availability.  An NPC in the capitals whom we could inquire about scouting reports would help folks not miss these.
There were invasions?
After finishing tho ... another reward other than AL tokens would be nice .  To my view, these tokens don't appear to hold much value after event ends, unless there will be trade-ins.  I imagin after AW, all our weaps and stuff I expect will morph into something else and long term storage of 30 bulk items isn't practical.
They really don't hold much value period after you get yourself an axe, a scythe, and a helmet. Figure, compared to what most of us carry, those items are mere cosmetic items. But 30 Bulk each? Really? It's almost like they want us to throw the stuff away as soon as the novelty wears off. And if the novelty is short-lived compared to the T&E involved, then what's the point? Especially if the cosmetics go away after the event and it all becomes mundane gear?
Now, if the AW tokens are traded in for something of lasting value (like tokens) after the event then maybe they will be worth something.

Between not telling us all the events going on, the client not notifying us of dynamic events, not giving those outside of the CET time zone any indication if the actual times, and just generally having some things be inaccessible, I'm thinking there's room for improvement if we actually want people participating in these events in the future.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#6 Доклад | Цитировать[fr] 

1.  I was clued into the kitin invasion when I looked to see where the puzzle pieces were.

2.  The zombie invasions were announved in uni.

3.  The 30 bulk kinda made sense to prvent hoarding ... so i thot that was appropriate.

4.  The other side of the value equation is rewards are of little value when you have more than 10. I musta burned 70 - 100k basic, cupla thousand choice and a few hundred exe tokens.   During rendors, got 137 Frippo Zig parts  ..... this time, nada.

5.  Would be a nice market in the extra stuff if most things were tradeable.

6.  Liked the idea of the separarate AW rewards for the AW tokens, but after earning them w/o intent (just as a byproduct of other activities) ... if ya can 'spend them" to earn sumthin new and different, they have no value.  Sperhaps if the concept continues, they will turn into Atysmas tokens.

I want to stress that I'm nitpicking here.... enjoyed the event with few frustrations ... just hoping to give ideas for making next year's even better.


#7 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

The zombie invasions were announved in uni.
Must've happened while I was at work then :/
The 30 bulk kinda made sense to prvent hoarding ... so i thot that was appropriate.
As one who doesn't see the point of hoarding cosmetic items, I think 20 bulk would've been better. Now, if the stats on them were better then yes, but as it stand I don't think the boosts on them were sufficient to warrant 30 bulk.
I want to stress that I'm nitpicking here.... enjoyed the event with few frustrations ... just hoping to give ideas for making next year's even better.

Same here. I just don't have the gift of tact that neurotypical folks seem to think is a prerequisite for having a valid opinion.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#8 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

The 30 bulk kinda made sense to prvent hoarding ... so i thot that was appropriate.
As one who doesn't see the point of hoarding cosmetic items, I think 20 bulk would've been better. Now, if the stats on them were better then yes, but as it stand I don't think the boosts on them were sufficient to warrant 30 bulk.

I agree, 30 bulk is way too much. I think 0 bulk is more appropriate, and make the items vanish after the holiday is over! No reason to hoard, and you get a cool item for the season to show off. It is really useless anyhow with the poor stats, then you get something to look forward to next year! :D
Last visit Воскресенье, 16 Июня 10:46:06 UTC

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