

#16 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I spent a while hunting eggs.
Feeling disappointed, almost sad.
Apparently the Ryzom endgame is getting tokens to gamble.



#17 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I spent a while hunting eggs.
Feeling disappointed, almost sad.
Apparently the Ryzom endgame is getting tokens to gamble.

Surly, if you think in Ryzom there is a endgame like other games. Nowadays i think, Ryzom is more about RP than Leveling and get stronger. I think of "Dungeon and Dragons", but without one who guides you through it makes no fun :-(


Nicht klicken!

#18 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Surly, if you think in Ryzom there is a endgame like other games.
Kitin invasions, please!
Strategizing attacks, forging alliances.
Whom and where to defend first?

Discovering the secrets of Atys' past!
Hidden in amber cubes, just waiting to be found.
Nowadays i think, Ryzom is more about RP than Leveling and get stronger. I think of "Dungeon and Dragons", but without one who guides you through it makes no fun :-(
Role-play, with no role nor play, and no more consequential story to back it up.

Last edited by Kaetemi (5 лет назад)



#19 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

The Ryzom players are as special as the Ryzom team. No question about it. If anyone enjoys OOC events, hey, I'd be the last one to ruin it. But if you can collect more or collect more than you need. It's really nothing special anymore. I hope you understand? :-D

It is really my first Easter. Christmas I also collected a lot until I had no more space. But in retrospect, in my honest and modest opinion, it wasn't worth collecting so much.

A) Too much money in the game ruins the exchange value of Dapper (what is too much?)
B) Too many rewards, which you also get with the Gubani Wheel, simply reduce the value of it.

I realize that you just want to relax or distract in the game (I do the same), but motivating players to get online by flooding them with dappers and rewards is a very entertaining and bad way to motivate them.

My opinion doesn't count anyway, but if the rewards are so important in the OOC events, I'd be in favor of replacing them with meaningful items not related to the Gubani Wheel or Dapper. The eggs for speed, life, and invulnerability are a good start. Because they really have nothing to do with it.
Those who know me know that the only thing I really care about in most of these events is the speed eggs. I can earn dappers with ease from overseer missions, and note that I bolded the word "earn" as that makes it feel like a true reward. And TBH, the fact that eggs take 1.0 bulk each (the same as 5 TPs) is a hassle as nearly 1/4 of my apartment is just Speed Eggs! (Yes, I have an addiction!)

IMO, it's only really a reward if it cannot be obtained any other way and is either useful (Speed/invul eggs) or entertaining (plushies). Dappers don't really cut it for mainland players, especially not dedicated master-level dig/crafters who can get >1m dappers in under an hour from overseer missions. The life/sap/stamina/focus eggs may be handy for those with no skills over 50, but for the rest of us, they are not worth the space; occupation produce is both more effective and 0-bulk. Tokens... that's a personal choice, and I know enough folks that value tokens the way I value speed eggs to see them as a viable/valuable reward. Overall though, I agree with you about rewards
Kitin invasions, please!
Strategizing attacks, forging alliances.
Those who have done so have been ostracized by the RP police because faction lines are sacrosanct, and crossing them is the worst heresy possible on Atys :/
Discovering the secrets of Atys' past!
Hidden in amber cubes, just waiting to be found.
I would love that!
Role-play, with no role nor play, and no more consequential story to back it up.
There are a fair number of hardcore Lore Purists that ruined RP for those of us that dare deviate from the strictest, most conservative interpretation possible of Atysian Lore. The self-titles "RPistes" who want more stories about what color loincloth the latest ruler of the Fyros wears and who enjoy hours-long speeches about nothing have different ideas about RP than the other >95% of the world, and that has created a rift in the community. Some of us try to RP the way a 27th-century Atysian would, but we get ridiculed by those who refuse to acknowledge that times change and adapt to the new world. Neither side is actually wrong here as we all want what we want, but that does not change the fact that it is a rather wide rift that the devs will have a hard time bridging.

There is plenty of play, but it's mostly among those who realize that Atys is in 2603 instead of 2503 who acknowledge that, since Merge was a thing that happened, there is one unified server where humans from all cultures share Atys instead of multiple bubbles isolated from each other. Those who treat Atys as a sandbox play around quite a bit when the bullies don't make us feel too unwelcome to bother logging on.

As for endgame, some say that martial arts begin when you get your black belt, and I feel that the same is true of Ryzom; the game begins when you get your first Master. However, the meta changes in the same way that it does for martial artists; the focus shifts from mastering external challenges to mastering one's self. From doing it "right" to doing it PERFECTLY. From doing the motions to becoming the essence.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#20 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Kitin invasions, please!
Strategizing attacks, forging alliances.
Whom and where to defend first?
Dynamic Kitin Invasion will come! It is now in testing:
https://board.ryzom.com/?controller=BoardViewController&actio n=readonly&token=c46b5ea0f37c83d155f3eacc3acf6956ee75cbfca4af a3f2c107fcb4e74d&lang=en&from_index=1


Nicht klicken!

#21 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Surly, if you think in Ryzom there is a endgame like other games.
Kitin invasions, please!
Strategizing attacks, forging alliances.
Whom and where to defend first?

The attentive eye (or Roleplayer attending Fairhaven assembly) will have noticed that it's already happening... Kitins of the Depth were seen in great numbers in Fount and also in Hidden Source... So stay tuned and get ready to crush some Kitins!
Nowadays i think, Ryzom is more about RP than Leveling and get stronger. I think of "Dungeon and Dragons", but without one who guides you through it makes no fun :-(
Role-play, with no role nor play, and no more consequential story to back it up.

Roleplay is still happening, and for the guidance there are some interesting new storylines starting (Thesos wall, Kitins coming back, Marauders getting access to Goo weapons). Also for just some casual, unguided roleplay we are a few Roleplayers hanging out at Fairhaven or Thesos bar quite often, so if you just want to do some casual roleplay feel free to come by! (I know some of our characters may seem a bit... Rude sometimes but we are actually really nice players :P

Last edited by Siela (5 лет назад)


#22 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

There are a fair number of hardcore Lore Purists that ruined RP for those of us that dare deviate from the strictest, most conservative interpretation possible of Atysian Lore. The self-titles "RPistes" who want more stories about what color loincloth the latest ruler of the Fyros wears and who enjoy hours-long speeches about nothing have different ideas about RP than the other >95% of the world, and that has created a rift in the community.
I'm going to argue on both sides here.

In a sense, the lore as it stands should be respected by the official channels, and should be coherently moved forward. I am absolutely against retroactively changing known history. For example, amber cube stories imply that homins speak a unified language, which in the past had different dialects. Suddenly there's lore from pushy RP elitists that made up completely different languages for the civilizations. That sort of behaviour is something I do not like, since it breaks any existing RP stories that depend on the background that was already established.

Now, on the other side, there are portions of the lore which are not historical fact, but beliefs. Or that may be historical tales, but could be easily believed to contain fantasies, or that are very much up to interpretation. It's absolutely fair for a homin to believe that the Kami are crazy monsters made by the Karavan that created the Kitin to destroy us all; it doesn't change any lore. It's totally acceptable for a homin to write fictions about the private life of Jena.

I can fairly write up a story about a Fyros scholar who did linguistic research and found that the Homin language was derived from the Karavan's language. It doesn't imply truth, neither does it change any fact. But it depends on already established knowledge from the lore. And that story goes into the water when someone retroactively introduces completely separate Homin languages with no historical roots. When hard facts in the lore retroactively change, there's no point in working with the lore.

Stories don't change facts. Changing facts changes stories.

Dynamic Kitin Invasion will come! It is now in testing

There is plenty of play, but it's mostly among those who realize that Atys is in 2603 instead of 2503 who acknowledge that, since Merge was a thing that happened, there is one unified server where humans from all cultures share Atys instead of multiple bubbles isolated from each other.
The attentive eye (or Roleplayer attending Fairhaven assembly) will have noticed that it's already happening... Kitins of the Depth were seen in great numbers in Fount and also in Hidden Source... So stay tuned and get ready to crush some Kitins!

Roleplay is still happening, and for the guidance there are some interesting new storylines starting (Thesos wall, Kitins coming back, Marauders getting access to Goo weapons).
There's a problem of accessibility here. Most people aren't in-game 24/7. There's no friendly chronicles or bulletin board to be found that sequentially narrates and informs players of storyline developments. The lore wiki is literally stuck in the 2550's. New and returning players can't catch up, and have no clue what's going on, and may fairly assume everything is abandoned. Where are the chroniclers?

(Kitins of the Depth... again? Can we get some other Kitins?)



#23 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Event team makes announcement in forum, steam, facebook and so on...
There are broadcasting during event.
There are events' report in the forum...

Perhaps you could just click on follow for the RP files on the forum you will have a reminder when there is a new post in the RP files.

I was a young player not so long ago, I'm not a gamer and I was able to find this means by myself and become totally involved in RP events.

So the problem is perhaps not only in ryzom team.
If you really want, you can find a way.

There's a problem of accessibility here. Most people aren't in-game 24/7. There's no friendly chronicles or bulletin board to be found that sequentially narrates and informs players of storyline developments. The lore wiki is literally stuck in the 2550's. New and returning players can't catch up, and have no clue what's going on, and may fairly assume everything is abandoned. Where are the chroniclers?


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#24 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I hope you guys realize you're kinda spoiled for complaining/being disapointed about presents you are getting.

Be glad that the Ryzom team try to make our holidays to have some OOC elements and fun egg whackings, instead of crying that there is no 10M dropping eggs, what if next year there is no eggs at all, because all we do is complain about them?

I might sound like a broken record, but cheer up guys and come to whack some eggs, or campfires, or whipped desserts ;P

Why not offer both? Invul, Speed etc eggs plus token plus dapper plus... with a chance each. Egg hunting should be a surprise imho.

+1 first post



#25 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

In a sense, the lore as it stands should be respected by the official channels, and should be coherently moved forward.
Agreed. However, I'd like to go a step further and have Atys actually evolve. Our own world has changed considerably in the last century, yet Atys still has the same borders and factions. There was a discussion elsewhere about one such possibility being to roll with the rift in the Ryzom community by redrawing faction lines and having the "traditionalists" who felt their way of life (fanatical worship of Jena/Ma'Duk) being threatened by the more secular/globalist "hominists" (Marauders and Rangers who do not revere the Higher Powers or governments, as well as those Kami/Kara who do not see their faction as a valid reason to hate others) who seek to move forward instead simply replaying the past over and over and over and over again with no meaningful difference between 2603 and 2503. It would surely break the status quo we've had for far too long!
Now, on the other side, there are portions of the lore which are not historical fact, but beliefs. Or that may be historical tales, but could be easily believed to contain fantasies, or that are very much up to interpretation. It's absolutely fair for a homin to believe that the Kami are crazy monsters made by the Karavan that created the Kitin to destroy us all; it doesn't change any lore. It's totally acceptable for a homin to write fictions about the private life of Jena.
That is fair, but what is unfair is when players break the CoC under the, "But I'm just role-playing!" flag, or when those who hold such beliefs try to get the devs to alter game mechanics in a way that punishes those who are not as fervent. Those sorts of behaviors drive a lot of people away from the RP aspect of the game.
Dynamic Kitin Invasion will come! It is now in testing
There's a problem of accessibility here. Most people aren't in-game 24/7. There's no friendly chronicles or bulletin board to be found that sequentially narrates and informs players of storyline developments. The lore wiki is literally stuck in the 2550's. New and returning players can't catch up, and have no clue what's going on, and may fairly assume everything is abandoned. Where are the chroniclers?
I see quite a bit of more recent stuff, but nearly none of it is in English.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#26 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

.. passing by....

Change your tune Gidget, don't be a hater, life is good take a tea.

I spent a while hunting eggs.
Feeling disappointed, almost sad.
Apparently the Ryzom endgame is getting tokens to gamble.

Did laugh at this actually nice one, and true ;)
Let's hope it will change this year with the future releases
But one thing sure, if one just want to hunt eggs and chat, you cannot force him to do otherwise :P

Last edited by Revvy (5 лет назад)


#27 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Our own world has changed considerably in the last century, yet Atys still has the same borders and factions. There was a discussion elsewhere about one such possibility being to roll with the rift in the Ryzom community by redrawing faction lines and having the "traditionalists" who felt their way of life (fanatical worship of Jena/Ma'Duk) being threatened by the more secular/globalist "hominists" (Marauders and Rangers who do not revere the Higher Powers or governments, as well as those Kami/Kara who do not see their faction as a valid reason to hate others) who seek to move forward instead simply replaying the past over and over and over and over again with no meaningful difference between 2603 and 2503. It would surely break the status quo we've had for far too long!
In my opinion, the sudden half-assed introduction (NPE way back) of the neutral-proclaimed Rangers (and Silan) caused much of the derailing of the story progression, in terms of the civilization and faction storytelling.

And I honestly have absolutely no clue what the coherent background story of the Rangers and the Marauders is, at this point. I do not understand why they somehow get to be treated any more privileged than any of the other dozens of tribes that already preceded their existence.

As far as I know, the Rangers are mostly working against tribes such as the Cholorogoo (and Black Circle, and so on) who attempt to make use of the goo for nefarious purposes (biased point of view). The Cholorogoo are aligned with the Karavan, with whom they share the same interest in the goo, and are against the Kami, who fight against the goo. Ideologically, that makes the Rangers clearly aligned with Kami goals (fighting the goo, keeping Kitins in check, taking care of Atys,) and not so much neutral.

Keep in mind, there's still a difference in being aligned with a faction's ideals, versus worshiping Ma-Duk and Jena.

While I'm under the impression that the Rangers are being sold as "neutral", and they do seem to be relatively neutral towards civilizations, it's clear that they do favour the Kami over the Karavan. Their role of being the sole starter island welcomers sadly dilutes the Kami story into a supposedly neutralist point of view.

In the Tryker mission on Silan, you are made to fight against the Cholorogoo. Clearly, the Trykers don't like the goo very much. Especially, considering Still Wyler was killed by the Black Circle using a goo infected weapon. The Black Circle, being also graciously aided by the Karavan in their goals. It surprises me, then, that the Karavan altars are still being tolerated in the Tryker cities. Perhaps a seasonal reshuffling of teleport altars and respawn points (based on storyline progression) is in order. Perhaps some villages should deviate from the state religion as well.

Edited 11 times | Last edited by Kaetemi (5 лет назад)



#28 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Sudden? I know giving those whose status was, for many years, strictly RP (Marauder and Ranger) their own rites and TP systems, and otherwise treating them as viable alternatives to Jena/Ma'Duk that were not handicaps the way Neutral is threw a lot of folks. It seems that many are still all, "How dare the devs treat the non-binary as equal to us!". But if treating those who choose a path other than either Jena or Ma'Duk with respect derailed the story then maybe the story needed to be derailed as it was headed someplace worse than where we are now.

I don't know how you get "Cholorogoo are aligned with Karavan" or "same interest in the goo", but that might be me not sharing your bias. The Chlorogoo are independent, and their reasons for studying Goo are different from why the Karavan does it. As for the goo-studying tribes that actually are Karavan, it's a little more complicated, but the simple version is that the Karavan will support any tribe who wants to help them study how best to defeat Goo. Of course, that support automatically earns the enmity of the Kami because... umm... reasons? (It's silly to me as I expected that those who claim to seek to save Atys from Goo would be less hostile towards those who also seek to save Atys from Goo, but I suppose giving arbitrary reasons to hate each other is more important than saving the rootball or it's inhabitants :/) In any event, the Rangers see both Karavan and Kami as sharing a common goal when it comes to protecting Atys from Goo. And wondering how the Trykers still tolerate Karavan altars in their cities simply because a criminal of questionable sanity was a member of a tribe that assists the Karavan in their research is such a stretch that it borders on satire.

In any event, it's exactly that sort of thing that has lead to many rejecting the false dichotomy and going Mara/Ranger even before they were given rites and teleports. You cannot have progress without change, so I must wonder is those who are against change really want progress at all, or whether they simply want to turn the clock back to 2006 and live in a time-loop.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#29 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Sudden? I know giving those whose status was, for many years, strictly RP (Marauder and Ranger) their own rites and TP systems, and otherwise treating them as viable alternatives to Jena/Ma'Duk that were not handicaps the way Neutral is threw a lot of folks.
Please enlighten me how tribes received godly powers. I seem to be missing a portion of the story progression. (And perhaps we should make a new thread... :) )

I don't know how you get "Cholorogoo are aligned with Karavan"
"Chlorogoos Karavan Agent"

In any event, the Rangers see both Karavan and Kami as sharing a common goal when it comes to protecting Atys from Goo.
I guess we and the Rangers are all stuck in different versions of the 2530's.

Let's quote some lore. Karavan: "Consolidate and extend their influence over homins", Kami: "Recruit Homins to their cause". Neither really care about homins, other than using them for their goals.

Now on the Karavan vs. Kami: "Kamis represent serious rivals. Not only [...], but they are also resistant to the [Karavan]'s technology." And here's what's written about the Goo: "The Kami are powerless against it. What's more, they are extremely vulnerable to it. I've seen with my own eyes a Kami being sucked up by the Goo before I could intervene."

The Karavan aid tribes which study the Goo. Regardless what the Kami or Karavan tell you about getting rid of the Goo (tales vs. facts)... Any guess where the story could've been heading?

Regardless of whether you like them or not, the relationship between them and the homins is symbiotic. They use the homins for their needs, homins use them for transport and resurrection. That's a fair deal.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Kaetemi (5 лет назад)



#30 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Regardless of whether you like them or not, the relationship between them and the homins is symbiotic. They use the homins for their needs, homins use them for transport and resurrection. That's a fair deal.

I will add: Even if you are "religious neutral" (including true neutral, rangers and marauders), it's still the high powers who resurrect homins.

Last edited by Sinvaders (5 лет назад)

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