#1 Добавлено Gidget 6 лет назад
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Gidget (6 лет назад)
#2 Добавлено Sinvaders 6 лет назад
#3 Добавлено Luminatrix 6 лет назад
#4 Добавлено Aleeskandaro 6 лет назад
#5 Добавлено Gidget 6 лет назад
"No, I think Around is the RP channel even though many others disagree"Many others agree.
I'm perfectly okay with roleplayers using it for RP but they have to accept that it's not the channel's only function. Sure, use it for your RP but don't get mad that other people use it to speak OOC. If you want a channel just for RP, make a dedicated RP channel.
I don't know how good of an idea this is but a Roleplay tag that causes the tagged player's text in the Around channel a different color could also be a thing, maybe? We could use a Roleplay tag anyway.
Right now I'm seeing a lot of "Your fun is wrong and our way of playing the game is the only right way", which is getting quite annoying.
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Gidget (6 лет назад)
#6 Добавлено Gidget 6 лет назад
#7 Добавлено Jellona 6 лет назад
...And that has led to a bit of conflict between those who have differing views on what Around is really for.
I put that option there for the sake of those who feel maintaining the status quo (conflict, confusion, and all) is preferable to any solution that requires change.
#8 Добавлено Placio 6 лет назад
#9 Добавлено Kyriann 6 лет назад
Put the roleplayers in a separate channel and I'm sure the gap between the different parts of the community will grow.
#10 Добавлено Gidget 6 лет назад
#11 Добавлено Eolinius 6 лет назад
Around is NOT the RP channel. It never has been
Sometimes being used during events
#12 Добавлено Naveruss 6 лет назад
#13 Добавлено Luminatrix 6 лет назад
It is customary if people use it to make roleplay which ones have priority to use it without being bothered by non roleplay.
#14 Добавлено Gidget 6 лет назад
-Separate the around channel (and community?) into RP and none RP isn’t useful, only two prevention line are largely enough because we easily can peacefully live and play together.
Last edited by Gidget (6 лет назад)
#15 Добавлено Jellona 6 лет назад
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