
#1 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Dear players,

Since Tuesday 17 April, Ryzom's billing service (secure.ryzom.com) has encountered technical problems making it inaccessible intermittently and at times for several hours.

After discovering that the problem was not on our side, we have contacted our host, OVH, who has found that a RAID disk as well as the controller needed to be changed. However, this procedure requires a complete reinstallation of the billing system, which means a longer inaccessibility of the service.

Also, in order to penalize as little as possible those who need to access the billing service, we preferred to act in two steps:

1 - Change the damaged RAID disk and then resynchronize both RAID disks. This has just been done, we are making sure everything is in order and hope that the server will be up and running quickly.

2 - Change the controller. We expect to take this opportunity to migrate the billing service to a newer, more secure and efficient server.

Moreover, we are aware that important information is not transmitted to you quickly enough, which is why we are thinking of setting up an information space directly integrated into the WebIG (ctrl+w from in game), which will give you news in real time on possible problems, events in progress etc.

We will keep you informed as soon as we have news and apologize for any inconvenience.

The Ryzom Team

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Aileya (7 лет назад) | Причина: German translation added


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#2 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Français | Deutsch
RAID is rebuilt and billing service is up!

Last edited by Aileya (7 лет назад) | Причина: German translation added


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#3 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Thanks for the info Tama;

also this:

"Moreover, we are aware that important information is not transmitted to you quickly enough, which is why we are thinking of setting up an information space directly integrated into the WebIG (ctrl+w from in game), which will give you news in real time on possible problems, events in progress etc."

sounds amazing; looking forwards to that:)

Keep up the good work,



#4 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

"Moreover, we are aware that important information is not transmitted to you quickly enough, which is why we are thinking of setting up an information space directly integrated into the WebIG (ctrl+w from in game), which will give you news in real time on possible problems, events in progress etc."

sounds amazing; looking forwards to that:)

More details will be given during next Ryzom Forge meeting (april 23nd, 19:00 UTC (21:00 CEST), ingame on /channel ryzomforge).


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#5 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

After 5/02 patch cud not get in game.... I spent over 3 hours on phone w/ credit card company and this is at least the 3rd time this has happened. In the last incidence the CSR at VISA spent a ton of time looking into possible reasons ... she even went back and looked at the last three new cards I was sent and came up with an interesting idea.

She wondered if perhaps, when one activates a new card ... the new expiration date jumps by a couple of years. Now if ya using auto pay feature, this is like 14 years of transactions. Now I know from past experience, and discussion w/ CC company at least w/ AMEX, they ignore the expiration thing if its a pre-existing auto pay.

What this gal thought might be happening is that the CC processing company may be submitting the payment and the process sees that the original exp date has passed. So it's never getting to VISA because the cc processing company Bibit is flagging the card as expired.

However, this doesn't line up because the "Rejected" message is coming like 18 months or more after I got and activated a new card. But VISA is not rejecting it, they would continue to pay it... but it is getting rejected before it gets to them. If this is in fact what is happening, the cc processor should have a system whereby when the card is reaching the expiration date, they send out a request for the new date.

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (7 лет назад)


Last visit Воскресенье, 2 Марта 19:05:25 UTC

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