#1 Добавлено Zagh 7 лет назад
Deles silam,The Alkiane Order invites, by this message, each Matis vassal, and each ally of the Kingdom * to meet at the Intendant's Room in the Matis City of Avalae at 16h - Quarta, Germinally 4, 1st AC 2597.After the difficult trials that the Kingdom has surmounted by the noble rebellion of the True sap, it is time to show all the dissidents and enemies of our people that We, Matis, are still present and masters of the Verdant Heights.During this meeting, the Alkiane Order will explain its project and answer your questions. If we have time, we will begin to act at the end of the assembly.
#2 Добавлено Zagh 7 лет назад
Deles silam,The goal of this meeting is simple. We want to revitalize the kingdom.For this reason, we suggest that you organise regular short meetings (1/3 of the event) in the Matis cities followed by an activity (2/3 of the event).During the assembly, the matis and their allies will be able to talk about all the subjects that can be solved without going through the royal administration. Alkiane will, however, report to the Royal Councils in Yrkanis on our recent joint activities.(These topics will be role-play contexts for the activity following the assembly. Obviously, if there is more than one subject under discussion, only one will be retained per event.)For example, one can imagine an anomaly of kitin activity in the kingdom and decide to go fight them at the knoll of dissent.(Activities can be varied. Hunting for bosses, kitins, drilling of raw materials or for jobs, expeditions, exploration, pex, pvp, etc.)(One can also imagine more advanced role-play activities such as learning Jena's ways, mateis, culture and Matis science.)If you have any comments or questions, we will listen to you, and I will try to answer them as clearly as possible.
• About the choice to gather in each city, even if Davae and Natae are deserted by their respective communities:If our goal is to meet in turn in each Matis city, except the capital, it is to give back importance to each one of them, even if there is no more or no official representative. We will still be able to invest the Intendant's room of each city in my opinion.• About the maintenance of events and the weight this can represent for a player who would be in charge of them permanently:The idea is not based only on me but on the whole Alkian Order. Each of the members you see today will be able to hold events.• About the recurrence of events:About the frequency, we haven't decided yet. 10,12,14,16, or 18 days. Personally I have a preference for a 14-day cycle. It allows us to have a meeting on the same day every two weeks. Some adjustments will be necessary at the start.• About the theme of the event, how will it be decided:The themes can be proposed by the participants, knowing that Alkiane will always have one in reserve if no idea comes from the players. A vote will take place.Moreover, ser Tapco has developed a tool partially designed for the organization of our activities. The Events section of the application allows you to create events and choose to participate in them. Whoever has the most participants will become the theme of the meeting and the activity.You must go to http://outils.alkiane.net and enter your API with at least C01 and P01.
#3 Добавлено Zagh 7 лет назад
It is time to prepare for the second meeting of the Matis' Awakening, which as agreed last time, will take place at the house of the Intendant of Davae, Ser Bergio Visti, at 16h - Dua, Mystia 14, 1st AC 2597.The guard Peero Anidera will welcome you at the door of the Intendant's quarters, north of the city.Each participant should be able to defend themselves against fauna and intelligent flora.We remind you that only the Matis and their allies are invited to participate. *
Edited 10 times | Last edited by Zagh (7 лет назад)
#4 Добавлено Zagh 7 лет назад
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Zagh (7 лет назад)
#5 Добавлено Zagh 7 лет назад
It is time to prepare for the third meeting of the Matis' Awakening, which as agreed last time, will take place at the house of the Intendant of Natae, Ser Chiaro Linia, at 16h - Holeth, Frutor 24, 2nd AC 2597.The guard Chiaro Liri will welcome you at the door of the Intendant's quarters, north of the city.Each participant should be able to defend themselves against fauna and intelligent flora.We remind you that only the Matis and their allies are invited to participate. *
Last edited by Zagh (7 лет назад)
#6 Добавлено Zagh 7 лет назад
Afin de préserver la diversité végétale du bosquet de la confusion l'Ordre Alkiane a proposé aux personnes qui ont répondu présent à ce rendez-vous d'aller quelque peu réguler la population des grands herbivores de cette région du Royaume. Chacune des personnes a choisi son rôle et nous sommes partis quelques membres d'une colonie de madakam.Ont été présents : Filira Zagh de l'Ordre AlkianeSerae Ayala de l'Ordre AlkianeSer Nilstilar de l'Ordre AlkianeSer Tapco de l'Ordre AlkianeSer Xamax de la maison EliathropeLa ranger matis Louteisang du Cercle du Bois d'AlmatiLe matis Yov.De retour à Yrkanis, nous avons convenus du prochain rendez-vous de l'Eveil des Matis. Il aura lieu à Avalae à 20h - Tria, Thermis 3, 3rd AC 2597
#7 Добавлено Zagh 7 лет назад
It is time to prepare for the fourth meeting of the Matis Awakening, which as agreed last time, will take place at the Intendant of Avalae, serae Vara Rozzo, at 20h - Tria, Thermis 3, 3rd AC 2597.The guard Lichi Lipi will receive you at the entrance of the Intendant's quarters, west of the city.Each participant should have enough to defend himself against the intelligent fauna and flora.We remind you that only Matis and their allies are invited to participate. *
#8 Добавлено Zagh 7 лет назад
Les récents événements nous rapportant l'apparition de kitins des profondeurs dans le Royaume nous ont naturellement mené à organiser une battue pour repousser ce qui semble être un début d'invasion. Vu le nombre disparate entre les régions du Royaume, l'Ordre Alkiane se laisse convaincre du fait qu'il ne s'agit que d'une présence d'éclaireurs.Ont été présents : Filira Zagh de l'Ordre AlkianeSer Nilstilar de l'Ordre AlkianeSer Tapco de l'Ordre AlkianeSer Xamax de l'Ordre AlkianeSerae Leeis de la maison La FirmeLa ranger matis Louteisang du Cercle du Bois d'AlmatiLe matis Yov.La matis Sitys des Larmes.La tryker Neira.A l'issue de la battue contre ces kitins, nous avons convenus du prochain rendez-vous de l'Eveil des Matis. Il aura lieu à Davae à 20h - Quinteth, Thermis 23, 2nd AC 2597
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Zagh (7 лет назад)
#9 Добавлено Nilstilar 7 лет назад
… Le prochain événement aura lieu chez l'intendant de Davae, à Понедельник, 12 Марта 2018 19:00:00 UTC (7 лет назад)…
#10 Добавлено Zagh 7 лет назад
It is time to prepare for the fifth meeting of the Matis Awakening, which as agreed last time, will take place at the Davae Intendant quarters, ser Bergio Visti, at 20h - Prima, Folially 13, 4th AC 2597.The guard Chiaro Liri will welcome you at the gate of the Intendant's quarters, north of the city.Each participant should be able to extract materials and take care of himself. We remind you that only Matis and their allies are invited to participate. *Exceptionally, the ser Tapco will be at the head of the organization, filira Zagh will not be available at this date.
#11 Добавлено Zagh 7 лет назад
After a break caused by the Order's own affairs, it is time to prepare for the sixth meeting of the Matis' Awakening, which will take place at Avalae' Intendant quarters, serae Vara Rozzo, on 20h - Tria, Pluvia 3, 1st AC 2598.The guard Lichi Lipi will welcome you at the gate of the Intendant's quarters, west of the city.Master drillers are invited as well as hunters to defend them.We remind you that only Matis and their allies are invited to participate. *
Edited 5 times | Last edited by Zagh (7 лет назад)
#12 Добавлено Northstar 7 лет назад
#13 Добавлено Zagh 7 лет назад
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