#56 Добавлено Kyriann 6 лет назад
Nous avons avancé sur la partie concernant le paiement des attaques, le but étant de permettre à un maximum de guildes de pouvoir participer et avoir une meilleure dynamique dans les OP.Nous pensons mettre un prix en Points de Guildes.Les guildes auront une remise sur le prix de leurs premières attaques toutes les 2 semaines.Les remises iront jusqu'à 100% du prix de l'attaque, chaque guilde choisira dans quel continent appliquer les remises et le montant, la somme totale des remises pour chaque continent ne pouvant excéder 100%.
Je propose une chose plus simple encore. Je vous laisse lire les précédentes réunions sur les OP, bien comprendre l'ensemble, y réfléchir et poser les questions sur une page du forum, comme ça j'y réponds à la prochaine réunion.
Un outil a été mis en place afin d'ajouter des stats manquantes sur les munitions et faire des tests. Cela avance vite et nous pensons apporter au tir à distance un intérêt nouveau.C'est encore en phase de test et donner des chiffres n'aurait aucun sens. D'autant plus qu'il faut équilibrer à la fois le pve et le pvp.Si toutefois, vous avez un avis, des suggestions ou des remarques, vous pourrez de la même manière utiliser le forum. Cela pourrait nous donner des pistes sur l'amélioration des armes de tir.
Prochainement, des îles seront accessibles au guildes. Une en fait. Au choix parmi les 5 ecosystemes et parmi 5 îles differentes. Il sera possible d'y poser du décor (via l'editeur scénographique) mais aussi des batiments (qui pourront offrir des services comme des extensions de GH ou autre), des créatures (non attaquables) et des pnj (qui offriront aussi des services).De plus, il est possible que l'ile ait une version "portes ouvertes" accessible à tous. Il y aurait deux points de spawn différents, un pour la version privée et un autre pour la version publique. Ainsi, vous pourrez faire d'une partie de l'île une presentation de votre guilde avec un pnj qui donnerait des infos.
Last edited by Kyriann (6 лет назад)
#57 Добавлено Trilexis 6 лет назад
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Trilexis (6 лет назад)
#58 Добавлено Trilexis 6 лет назад
Last edited by Tiximei (6 лет назад) | Причина: Fixed the language button
#59 Добавлено Sinvaders 6 лет назад
That's not OK. How can it be that an attacker is wiped and still wins the round?
#60 Добавлено Trilexis 6 лет назад
#61 Добавлено Laoviel 6 лет назад
More or less, these changes will punish the guilds that actively seek members. Or you get punished for becoming a kami.
#62 Добавлено Trilexis 6 лет назад
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Trilexis (6 лет назад)
#63 Добавлено Sinvaders 6 лет назад
Last edited by Sinvaders (6 лет назад)
#64 Добавлено Savisi 6 лет назад
#65 Добавлено Trilexis 6 лет назад
#66 Добавлено Laoviel 6 лет назад
#67 Добавлено Siela 6 лет назад
Yesterday I received the notice that one of the Karavan guilds on Atys, has 20 masters in their ranks. Crafting master, or magic and melee master? Well, I don't remember seeing more than five or six members on the battlefields from this guild. Often rather less so. I cannot claim that the Kami Guilds can regularly lead all their members into battle, but there are almost always all the guilds involved, with some of their members . With the Karavan, this fluctuates a lot.
No after reading the statement of another player at another topic, Im not that sure anymore that removing of Phase 2 is a good idea, because of timezone. People should have the chance to hold an outpost, when they are awake/not at work.
#68 Добавлено Tamarea 6 лет назад
Date: monday, December 3rd, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)
AgendaStatus of projects (by Ulukyn):OP refactoringGuild IslandsJena Year 2601 Patch
Last edited by Tamarea (6 лет назад)
#69 Добавлено Moniq 6 лет назад
It has been completely redone, still in the same place: go to the offside WebIG, and click on the "Roadmap" icon. Everything we are working on is in it, with the degree of progress. I let you look at and give me feedback, either here, or in response to the meeting report on the forum, or on RC.
Quick for the moment because as you can see, we have set up a poll to find out what changes might be of interest to the majority. It appears that for the modification of the price of attacks, it is very mixed. So, for the moment, we will do nothing, obviously, the modifications can come later, nothing is fixed. For the rest, the vast majority agree with the proposals. For questions about how each element will be implemented, the team will think about it and will share the proposals with you. We will take into account the comments that have been given and that may be added in the coming days.
The islands are being tested. I would like to quickly remind you of the principle: The guild leader will be able to choose from 5 islands in all ecosystems. There are no restrictions in the ecosystem of its choice except that each continent gives access only to one ecosystem. Thus a fyros guild could very well have a guild island in the lakes, but access to the island will be close to FH. Once the island is chosen, the leader can go there and appears on an island, the guild window will offer a new tab allowing the chef to choose the entrance for his guild members but also the entrance for visitors. The interface will also allow you to add scenery via the scenographic editor and a special guild bag will appear. The special guild bag will allow you to populate creatures, service pnjs, buildings, etc... It will be possible to win or get new elements to populate.
As announced we have decided to make a patch every new year of Jena. That is, every two and a half months or so. As you all know, Jean's New Year's Eve has already passed and... there was no patch. We're going to be honest, anlor + atysmas + jena patch it was a lot of work in a row. So the patch is still planned, but... we'll do our best to get some pretty good patches. Some of the additions could be done at the same time as the Atysmas patch and the rest just after. In the content of the Jena Year patch there are new plushes, new hairstyles, a new zig, Xl tokens and gift outfits, among others. A new boss, the guilds islands and boss to fight in the guilds islands. As well as expected changes such as patching Ranger gameplay.
#70 Добавлено Tamarea 6 лет назад
Date: monday, December 17th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)
AgendaRyzom Team:Team infosRecruitementRyzom Projects:Project infos
Last edited by Tykus (6 лет назад)
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