
#20 Многоязычный 

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Be’cauer Handan Storytelling

Be’cauer Handan

Y know a tale that might interest you! It's titled "The Child and the Dragon".

Euphanyx Apotheps
With pleasure, but who are you?

Be’cauer Handan
Be' cauer Handan. I'm a itinerant storyteller.

Euphanyx Apotheps
All right, fine. We're listening to you.

Be’cauer Handan
The Child and the Dragon

The fyros people have always been fascinated by the Great Dragon, a legendary creature of pure destruction. Those who know how to perceive its manifestations and fight them are exceptional beings. The story of one of them was told to me on my first journey to the Burning Desert. I had been kindly welcomed by a small tribe, and in the evening, around a fire, an old toothless Fyros began to tell a tale.
We were brought small bits of meat that had most likely spent too much time under the desert sun; I did not dare touch them and to put a brave face on it, and I listened with all my attention while taking notes.

Lekos Daraan was only a child when he saw the Incendiary for the first time. A wave of drought had fallen on the Burning Desert. One day when his games had lured him out of his parents' surveillance, Lekos sensed the emanation of powerful energy around him. He was at that point east of the Flaming Forest, in a perimeter secured by his tribe. As he sought out what could provoke this sensation, the surrounding bothayas began to glow in a strange way, progressively releasing the Incendiary from its hindrance of bark.

Before the child had had time to understand the threat and take shelter, the first sparks emerged from a bothaya to pursue him. A threatening voracity seemed to animate the nascent brazier which soon grew in intensity while the acrid scent exuding from a fumarole elicited a coughing fit from the young fyros in full rout. In a breath, the Dragon exhaled a dark smoke that obscured the child's vision and finally disoriented him. Around him, the swift burning of the plants seemed to be driven by the will of the Dragon whose footsteps began to boom on the Bark in terrifying crunches. Lekos felt his heart sink when a zerx covered with burn marks knocked him down in its frantic flight. Failing to get up, the child took up a small branch he waved vainly towards the ground, bravely defying the Great Incendiary. The sweat and smoke that stung his eyes blinded him and he thought for a moment that the monster of the myth was there, facing him, preparing to devour him.

Shouts suddenly sounded around him. His tribe was fighting valiantly against the flames. A chain of homins had formed coming from a nearby tank. Buckets of water fell in rhythm all around the fire start, confining the threat in a circle of wet sawdust. Powerful hands seized Lekos and, with a sigh of relief, his father raised him to press him against him. Bringing his son back to their encampment, he then revealed to him: “What you have seen, you must never forget! Remember that your vigilance will always be your best weapon because never will its fire weaken. One day, in your turn, you will be in charge of watching over the sleep of the Dragon but today you have just learned what it is like to be a Watcher.”

Raising my eyes from my parchment, I crossed the mischievous glance of the old Fyros. I was going to question him when we were interrupted by two children who had been sitting ahead of me to enjoy the tale. The first shouted emphatically: “Rooaar! I am the Incendiary! I'll devour you!” provoking the hilarity of his young comrade who replied in the same tone: “Don't scare me! First, I have Watcher's powers!” The two children then simulated an epic combat, mimicking a joust with much detail, while chasing each other around the campfire. As you can imagine, one of them was soon burnt by a small branch that unfortunately jutted out of the hearth. I immediately took out of my bag a first aid kit in order to help him with a bandage. The boy offered me a sly smile while telling me in fyrk: “akep, atalmalos”*. Losing not his mocking air, my friend storyteller stood up taking care to stretch his joints before dispersing his young audience by shouting: "Go, out! Get back to your games now, but don't forget: one does not play with fire!"

* Thanks, nunky

Last edited by Chronicles of Atys (7 лет назад)

#21 Многоязычный 

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Salazar Caradini’s Lecture

Euphanyx Apotheps

Since everything is back to normal, I now call Salazar Caradini, Royal Historian, to tell us about the place of the Dragon in the teaching of the Karavan.

She applauds Salazar Caradini.

Salazar Caradini
Deles silam esteemed colleagues! First, I would like to thank Euphanyx Apotheps and the Pyr Academy for the invitation to this Congress and the opportunity to contribute to it. It is much appreciated.

As Serae Euphanyx Apotheps said in her introduction to this congress, the existence of the Dragon was announced to homins by the Karavan. He is also called the Prince of Darkness because he had deprived hominkind of light until the Goddess returned it to them by locking the Dragon in the bowels of Atys.

According to the prophecy delivered by the Karavan, a day will come when the Dragon will wake up from his sleep to consume Atys and the Goddess will rescue Her followers by guiding them to a safe place.

The reason why the Karavan is suspicious of the Dragon quest is due to the Great Beast's ability to corrupt those who seek him.
This corruption is not only expressed in the blind fanaticism of the Great Dragon Cult, nec! The danger is that it may be wearing far more subtle finery.

Thus, a member of the Karavan had been sneakily corrupted by the Dragon. In 2481, Elias Tryton was one of Karavan's agents fighting against the Great Swarming, which was part of the Dragon's machinations. In order to save hominity from eradication, Elias supposedly agreed to a pact with the Dragon.

The power the Dragon granted him had the desired effect, but in turn it started corrupting Elias who began to wilfully weaken the Powers. He rose up as a false prophet - a real prophet in the eyes of some homins, whom he took to himself but he took them away from the light of the Goddess.

While his homin followers are probably not aware they serve the Great Incendiary's purposes, they do no other thing by undermining the established order and weakening Jena's forces before the day of judgment.

The Church of Light and the Karavan have always fought to protect hominity from the Dragon's threat and believe that the Guild of Elias, while probably having good intentions, is since then an integral part of this threat.

Indeed, in the unlikely event that Elias and his followers succeed in preventing the end of the prophecy from fulfilment, the Dragon's breath would obliterate us all and that would be the end of the hominity.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Chronicles of Atys (7 лет назад)

#22 Многоязычный 

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Intervention of an helmeted homin

Helmeted homin

The Dragon Quest is the manifestation of the Pillar of Truth. While this pillar may require us to depart from the dogmas of the Powers, at the risk of attracting their wrath, it is nonetheless essential to our culture. Let us be proud to be Fyros! Let us not be content with the false explanations of the Karavan or the Kamis, and let us pursue the quest, no matter what the sacrifices are!

The mystery of Leron's downfall must be solved. It is time for the secrets of the Empire's past to be unravelled!

Summoned to unveil his identity, the homin shows his face and it is Epus.
Epus is arrested by a guard. When leaving the room, he throws a last sentence:
If that is the price to pay for the Empire to take Truth up again,  I am ready for the ultimate sacrifice! And you, Euphanyx, would you be ready to do likewise?

Last edited by Chroniques d'Atys (7 лет назад)

#23 Многоязычный 

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oren pyr,

I invite you to attend my closing speech at the Pyr Academic Summit to be held on 16h - Dua, Fallenor 14, 1st AC 2597 (*). This ceremony will also be an opportunity for the Patriots to nominate the Chancellor who will head the Academy.

sharük pyrèkud!


(*) [OOC] Time: Понедельник, 26 Февраля 2018 20:00:00 UTC (7 лет назад)[/OOC]

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (7 лет назад)

#24 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Français | [Deutsch]

Lykos introduction

oren pyr an alle,

Ich bin hochzufrieden mit dem Erfolg unseres Gipfels, organisiert durch die Imperiale Akademie, und die Teilnahme solch namhafter Experten aus allen nur denkbaren Bereichen. Unsere vier Nationen haben den Durst nach Wissen gemein und es ist großartig den gesunden Eifer zu beobachten, der durch solche Treffen entsteht.

Durch meinen Antrieb hat sich die Imperiale Akademie reformiert und es ist nun an den Patrioten jenen oder jene zu erwählen, der oder die an der Spitze der Akademie stehen soll. Hierfür stehen nun die Meister der Kammern der Disziplin und der Wahrheit zur Wahl.

Empfangt und heisst willkommen: Messedos Syagrus und Euphanyx Apotheps.

Messedos Syagrus

oren pyr,

Mich auf meine lange Erfahrung als Meister der Kammer der Disziplin berufend und stützend, plane ich die Akademie in eine neue Ära der Innovation zu führen.

Unsere Institution muss für unser Volk die Mittel und Wege liefern das sharùk der Zukunft für die nachfolgenden Generationen zu erbauen.

Euphanyx Apotheps

oren pyr,

Meine Erfahrung als Imperiale Archivarin qualifiziert mich im Speziellen, die Akademie zu führen in der Erforschung der Mysterien der Vergangenheit unseres Volkes und allgemeiner um das Wissen über Atys und die Naturgesetze zu vertiefen.


akep an die Kandidaten für ihre Präsentation. Und jetzt: alle Patrioten, die an der Wahl teilnehmen möchten, mögen ihren Stimmzettel vorbereiten und sich in einer Schlange vor mir anstellen. Haltet eure Ausweisdokumente zum Nachweis der Nationalität bereit.

Wenn ihr an der Reihe seid, gebt mir den Stimmzettel. Ausschliesslich Stimmabgaben für einen der beiden vorgestellten Kandidaten werden berücksichtigt.

Lykos zählt die abgegebenen Stimmzettel.

Ich habe die Ehre hiermit mitzuteilen, die neue Kanzlerin der Akademie ist: Euphanyx Apotheps!

Lykos Conclusion

Kommen wir nun zur ersten Mission für unseren neuen Kanzler / unsere neue Kanzlerin, denn diese ist von einiger Wichtigkeit. Es ist eine Folge des leidigen Vorfalls auf dem Kongress der Historiker.

Die Beteiligung Epus’ an der Verschwörung gegen mich sowie sein Verstoß gegen die Konditionen seines Urteils durch das sharùk sollen unsere Meinung bezüglich des Vorschlages in seiner Ansprache nicht trüben.

Ich habe daher beschlossen die Akademie von Pyr und ihren neuen Kanzler / ihre neue Kanzlerin damit zu beauftragen die Gründe für das Verschwinden der Stadt Leron ans Licht zu bringen und die Geheimnisse um die Ruinen der Stadt zu lüften.

Möge die Flamme der Wahrheit diesen unbekannten Teil unserer gemeinsamen Geschichte erleuchten, so ist es mein Wille und der des Imperiums.

sharùk pyrèkud!

Nun ist es jedoch an der Zeit diesen Akademischen Gipfel zum Abschluss zu bringen wie es sich gehört. Ich rufe daher unseren Meister der Pyrotechnik, Plerilus Mecus auf, für uns seine Kunst auszuüben.

Last edited by Chroniques d'Atys (7 лет назад)

Last visit Понедельник, 17 Февраля 18:22:43 UTC

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