
#35 [en] 

Same troubles IG, Web, Mac or PC, with two différent account, this is very strange;
Maybe this can help ?

PS : I can send to you my login account of my alt (free account) which has the same problem than my main ?

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Iwakura (7 лет назад)


#36 [en] 

Ah I see the problem now but that's not related to the original message.

It fails on one cache update related a new app I am working on. I have disabled the functionality in stable versions.

#37 [en] 

Ok, so it seems there were 2 problems:

- bug in first run script, probably my misclick, should be fixed since previous stable

- mysterious bugs on cache update, you should get error now but while this feature is not in use yet, its not important. I made a it to log error instead of dump and die. I didnt have time to continue on this part yet, but seems its just a problem with paralell updates that cause duplicate entries and other troubles.

Fyrosfreddy reported wrong number of decimal places, that was caused by a function i use to manipulate with recounted fame value and db field length limit. It should be ok now.

Some other minor issues will be solved in upcomming release.

Anyone else experienced any problem recently?

#38 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Français | Deutsch
Hallo homins

The new version of Fame tracker has been released. It is a tool that displays your current (and more accurate) fame to tribes, civilizations and high powers.

What is new

Besides changes and development in backend and several fixes, the most visible change is new section Planet from where you can browse known Atys regions and locations. Part of those changes is also a system to generate dynamic maps. Unfortunately to add coordinates to all locations (or even add all places of Atys) takes time so at this moment mostly already used locations exist and only part of those have valid coordinates.

Fame overview table has been re-written to better reflect guild activity and allow sorting by more columns. Tables with locations or NPC homins are also newly sortable by columns.

About and privacy changes

There are some new specifications in About section of this application. You should take a moment to read about information as well as privacy policy details. All feedback about this statement is welcomed.

Usage and installation

You can run the application IG using command /appzone 2132 from any chat window or install Fame tracker from App zone. All suggestions are welcome.

Before you start, the tool requires you to enter a valid API key. Then the first update can be done ...

#39 [en] 

Let me know if you meet any NPC with name and title not being in database.

The spreadsheet file I sent you for the Bunny Fame Tool .... not part of IG Tools, (this was started in 2007 - 08 era and updated as we have found more NPCs) has all the known ones I believe.   All the ones added since BT 3.0 was released (about a dozen) are shown in blue text here.


Hm, I am not sure about the image, I have similar and we have all in + some more. Gaperila can tell you more, she works hard on NPC list.

I sent the spreadsheet to yur personal email adress as you had requested.
Yes, I know. Do you have those numbers? Or can you get it? :) I am currently busy with other things, but I plan to add this, maybe as part of future changes related to real marauder fame.

No I don't, but I can ask :)
List of broken missions would be also very useful :)

We have a bunch done and listed in private forum ... if ya's like to collaborate, contact me in game.
Fyrosfreddy reported wrong number of decimal places, that was caused by a function i use to manipulate with recounted fame value and db field length limit. It should be ok now.

Muchos Grassyass

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (7 лет назад)


#40 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Deutsch | [Français]
Bonjour les homins

La nouvelle version de Fame tracker est sortie.

Les limites de Fame ou de renommée

On peux voir un tableau avec les renommées mini et maxi pour chaque entité avec laquelle on peux gagner/perdre en renommée. On connaît souvent les maxi, les seuil minimaux sont moins bien connus et les valeurs affichées sont plus indicatives que réelles. On peux aussi facilement voir les seuils maxi sur le graphique en barres.

Modifications de renommée

Le tableau des renommées peux montrer un commentaire de changeset ainsi que les autres renommées modifiées par cette action. Le tableau historique montre les autres renommées modifiées par la meme action (enregistrée dans le changeset) et on peux maintenant de plus naviguer dans l'historique.

Icône d'application dynamique

L'application utilise une nouvelle fonction des app zones, qui permet d'afficher une icône dynamique dans la barre d'application ou la page d'accueil. Si tu es membre d'une guilde, en installant et en utilisant cette application, tu participes à la mesure de l'activité de ta guilde : ta présence sera périodiquement loguée dans la base de donnée des guildes.

Meilleur intégration avec les autres applications

En plus de l’icône améliorée, il y a eu des améliorations d'intégration avec le navigateur IG. De plus, on peux changer la page d'accueil de chaque application dans les paramètres de personnalisation des apps. On accède à ces paramètres via la section, et de plus maintenant, par un clic sur le nom d'application dans le menu principal, ou vos options Formulaires et filtres.

Utilisation et installation

On peux lancer l'application IG avec la commande /appzone 2132 d'une fenêtre de chat ou installer Fame tracker via l'App zone. Toutes les suggestions sont les bienvenues.

Au tout début, l'application demande d'entrer une clef API. Dès qu'une clef d'API valide a été entrée, la première mise à jour se lance...

Traduction fournie par Craftjenn

#41 [en] 

The min / max addition look very useful ... will have to get around to playing with, ... maybe this weekend.


#42 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Deutsch | Français
Hallo homins

Along with the last Ryzom patch is also coming new release of new version. Several issues has been fixed and your IG usage experience should be now better.

Experimental marauder fame support

With the new Ryzom patch a real marauder fame has been added to the game. Information about the fame is not part of the API yet, however the current mechanism is known so Fame tracker should correctly track changes.

New Horizons calculator

You can now use new calculator that will count for you how many products need to sell to New Horizons to get desired amount of fame or faction points. Calculation is base on your current fame.

Usage and installation

You can run the application IG using command /appzone 2132 from any chat window or install Fame tracker from App zone. All suggestions are welcome.

Before you start, the tool requires you to enter a valid API key. Then the first update can be done ...

#43 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Deutsch | Español | Français

Fame Tracker 0.9

Role-play options

One of important news is to allow users to enable more role-play options. With use of Blablatys database, users are allowed to select role-play language. This will create another translation layer and your application will be primarily localized into preferred atys language with fallback to your preferred language with fallback to default language (english).
Another option is live conversion of all dates into Atys timeline along with two new Date and time formates by Atys conventions. And when you feel far from Atys, enable use of your national font. There is one specific font for each Atys race. Unfortunately, in-game browser will ignore this setting.

User interface clean-up

Application UI has been cleaned up. Some additional changes were made for better use in UG browser and customization options were separated for each application. One of new key features is support for scaling. While regular browsers have this feature built-in, this option targets on use with in-game browser and allows you to scale application interface between 90% and 200%.

Color management was replaced with database backend as well as operations log has new database backend. Users can browse log history and let new messages to aggregate into one summary to save space on screen. Cache updates were moved into separate thread to improve performance. Changelog and version system has new database backend.

Usage and installation

You can run the application IG using command /appzone 2132 from any chat window or install Fame tracker from App zone. All suggestions are welcome.
Before you start, the tool requires you to enter a valid API key. Then the first update can be done...

#44 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Français | Español | Deutsch | [Русский]
Я снова активировал раздел Новые горизонты в Fame Tracker. Некоторые уровни изменений теперь немного отличаются и работают не совсем так, как было, поэтому я не уверен, что калькулятор всегда корректен.
Хотя это изменение носит лишь временный характер, я не буду тратить на него больше времени, если кто-то не найдет проблему.

(Переведено с DeepL)

#45 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Deutsch | Español | Français

Fame Tracker 0.9.2

Maintenance release

This version is mostly a maintenance release. It profits from new system features and also brings various fixes. Map options newly allows to switch source to satellite version.

Changes shared by all applications

The cache update mechanism, especially inventory cache in case of (multiple) guild halls, might take some serious time to complete. While you can still customize cache lifetime for each storage and affect the length between automatic updates, all general update locks are now also accessible from user settings. In case you lock any type of update, the system still checks for new changes and offers a way how to run the update manually. This allows you to have updates always locked and run it on your request.

There were also made some fixes and improvements on the update process itself and the system of localization is now using temporary translation cache to reduce number of database queries. The system tracks if your character has a profile on Ryzom Armory server and offers a link for such Homin. All applications except DeepList also contain basic user documentation.

The set of application icons was updated to better fit with the Ryzom client theme. This change is followed by update of license details in About section. System font database was reworked and the colour palette database now supports colour opacity.

Usage and installation

You can run the application IG using command /appzone 2132 from any chat window or install Fame tracker from App zone. All suggestions are welcome.

Before you start, the tool requires you to enter a valid API key. Then the first update can be done ...

#46 [fr] 

Bonjour Moniq

Je suis un fan de tes applications, en particulier Fame-Tracker et Level-Tracker.
Malheureusement depuis le récent patch je ne peux plus les utiliser car les clés API ne fonctionnent plus avec. J'ai même essayé d'en créer d'autre mais cela donne le même résultat, les modules ne sont pas activés. Il y a t-il un espoir que cela refonctionne ?

Merci le temps que tu passe ou que tu as passé pour les développer.

#47 [fr] 



#48 [en] 

It seems to me that those crafty developers have changed something in the fame system again due to their latest changes in the fame system. At least the maraders fame is not handled by the app at this moment. And it was the marauders fame that they were making changes on.

#49 [fr] 

La cause ne vient pas du nouveau patch. Toutes les applications xx-Tracker et RyGReg font appel à la même base de donnée qui n'est apparemment plus maintenue pas le joueur qui l'a crée.
Last visit Суббота, 28 Сентября 13:42:38 UTC

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