Техническая поддержка


#1 Многоязычный 

Hi there,

The ryzom client is now marked as "Trojan.MSIL.CoinStealer.wi" virus and automatically deleted by Kaspersky Internet Security. So its impossible to play with the antivirus activated.

On my laptop I have Kaspersky Endpoint Security and I can start the client but some things don't work correctly (Forum connection, web app connection etc.)

Please change that :/

Best regards,


#2 [en] 

Please report this problem to Kaspersky, they should check why their software is flagging the game executable as malicious.


#3 [de] 

See the previous post ... already posted.

The problem with reporting the issue to Kapersky is that they will ignore you unless they receive similar communication from the developer.... went thru this before with KipeeCraft.

Id also note that when flagged by Kapersky when I tried to do the patch, I told it to ignore it. Then turned off Kapersky, loaded Ryzom and turned it back on. It caught it again the next day and I again told it to ignore it. Finally after the last patch, Kapersky is ignoring it.

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (8 лет назад)


Last visit Воскресенье, 2 Марта 19:14:30 UTC

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