
#23 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

- free = 150 max, so you can equip a 150 pick, dig in 150 zone, so gather up to lvl 200 mats, but only can equip lvl 150 tool to craft.

I hope that is a typo. Since my packer is full of q250 gear and I don't have enough space to keep extra sets of q150 gear on my mount, I'd already be running around naked and unarmed. If I can't equip a q250 pick to dig in Loria like an F2P can then that would be too much.

(And no, I'm can't borrow Widget's armor; it doesn't fit right. I never realized how.... top-heavy she is compared to me.)

Last edited by Gidget (8 лет назад)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#24 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I brought up the "but the 250 pick can be used by f2p in 250 zone" argument in the prevous meeting.

This may be addressed but from the general tone, it sounds like it may be too much work. In that light... if f2p can use 250 tool but p2p becoming f2p can no longer... it can serve as a reason to resub.

Remember at the end of the day , the goal is not to allow people to play free forever, so much as allow them to have some access, and provide incentive to subscribe so we can feed the yubos.

I hope it's fixed but if it isn't..well.. it's still better than not being able to get back in at all yeah?

Last edited by Loved (8 лет назад) | Причина: changed flag to EN


#25 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

@Talkirc ... of course there is more then one Server... see my proof:


Last edited by Gazzi (8 лет назад)


#26 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

ryzom will run on a sever that cost as little as 100 US dollars a month, so as long as there are 10 people paying, the server will survive. this false idea that the server costs 1000's of dollars a month is just insane.

From the commercial point of view, there need to be some savings, from the monthly fees, to replace (broken) hardware if needed.
Those savings are about to at least double the monthly cost.
There need to be a suited room for the server to stand in.

On the other hand there are fees and taxes that cut down the revenues, maybe even half them.

So if you are right about maintenance cost and I haven't forgotten something important, it's more like at least 40-50 subs to keep Ryzom basically alive.
(Without considering there to be any wages at all, whats is highly unrealistic ^^)
(btw I would not consider to outsource the server hosting, for several reasons, I understand WG's point)

@Gazzi seriously?
one for the main shard (and backup)
one for yubo
one for mega and ryzom.com
but there are two more machines on the photo? just curious :)

#27 Доклад | Цитировать[fr] 

The server is hosted by OVH, not by WG itself. If I recall correctly, they were paying 200ish€/month in 2013 for the server (yes, there is only one), the cost shouldn't have changed much.

90+% of the money is spent on wage anyway, server cost isn't that much


#28 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

*trying to remember who told me that the server is hosted by wg* (but nope, too long ago I guess)

#29 Доклад | Цитировать[fr] 

it may b stupid but nobody is talking RP, and what could we think about a player who, by lack of irl money, become a lot less strong and unequiped (or badly for a multi 250).
maybe for RP purpose something like a disease (flue or whatever) could be given to the non paid old player ?

#30 Доклад | Цитировать[de] 

Scheiße alles was ich ausgearbeitet hab ist beim Absenden gelöscht worden =( Daher versuch ich es nochmal kurz zusammenzufassen.

Tolle Idee aber ich fürchte bei der Aktivität werden euch da nur Einnahmen wegbrechen. Gegenvorschlag:

f2p= keine Einschränkungen außer dieser Erfahrungsbonus muss weg.
Premium = 4,99 dafür mit Erfahrungsbonus und den anderen Sachen wie Lagerplatz und was ihr noch so einführen wollt.
Ingameshop = Pakete kaufen um sie gegen super Kristalle einzutauschen. Dies bietet Spielern die Möglichkeit mehr Geld auszugeben als sie es aktuell können ohne dafür übermäßig große Vorteile zu haben. Allerdings bietet dieses System mehr Vorteile die kurz erläutern möchte:

Ein Spieler könnte mit den Superkristallen max. 12k exp bekommen und so etwas schneller die unendlich vielen Skills hochziehen, oder aber er hat genug Geld um sich 5 große Steampakete zu kaufen und die Kristalle hier im Spiel gegen Dapper einzutauschen bei anderen Premiumspieler mit weniger Geld. Auch könntet ihr Aktionen starten wie doppelte Punkte fürs Geld (solltet ihr auch am Anfang tun). Neue Gegenstände (tollen Hacken) die nur für Punkte gekauft werden können, oder auch kleine Änderungen (z.b. ein Skript das erlaubt die Farbe einer Rüsstung zu ändern). Oder den Premiumaccount interessanter Gestallten in dem man monatlich 5 Punkte gutschreibt. Die Möglichkeiten sind Grenzenlos!

2,99 für 20 Punkte, 4,99 für 50 Punkte, 9,99 für 120 Punkte

1 Punkt kostet ein 50er Stapel (999) Superkrisis, 2 Punkte ein 100er Stack, 3 ein 150er Stack, 4 ein 200er Stack und 5 ein 250er Stack.

Das ist kein PaytoWin sondern ein Pay to endlich kann ich einen der unendlichen vielen unnützen Skills schneller Hochziehen und bin wieder motiviert.

Bei mir sehe das so aus:
Ich würde Premium holen für die doppelten EXP 4,99 und mindestens einmal im Monat das große Paket für 9,99 um nicht so viel Buddeln zu müssen um mein Crafting hochzuziehen. Also subjektiv weniger bezahlen um keine Nachteile zu haben aber objektiv mehr ausgeben um mir einen Zeitvorteil zu gönnen.


Akura Delray

#31 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

Многоязычный | Deutsch | English
I'm still voting for auctioning Ourposts. Each weekend all Ops are free for bidding, starting at $1, highest bidder wins. Let's say guild X got the Op and guild Y invests $1, guild X is forced to pay another to make it $2. Generating money from nothing...

Alternative: Light, medium and heavy NPC armors as rentable (!) cash shop items. One week Aen armor? Just $1.99 and you're in! Microtransactions is the magic word...

PS: Take my suggestions with a *big* grain of salt ;)

Last edited by Arcueid (8 лет назад)


#32 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 


i'm a hardware tech, believe me when i say that ryzom in no way needs more then one server for ALL shards. (in fact, if you ask one of the major players in the ryzom dev world {katemi [could be spelled wrong]} he'll tell you the same.

while building a personal server can be a semi costly endevor, (for about 8,000 us you can build a server that would run all ryzom shards, ts3 and many other softwares)

you can download the core server software and run them on a current level desktop, and people have. this is fact, not conjection or theory. as for the costs of servers per month: here's a few public game server companies and their prices.

69.99 to 179.99 usd per month

59 to 69 eruo a month (avg 1.35 usd per 1 euro)

https://www.24shells.net/specials/?gclid=COuD6o-ji88CFUIvgQodFjYN _w
79.99 to 119.99 usd per month

that's just the top 3 finds with a quick google search for "dedicated game server hosting".

now, build that same server (up to 10,000 usd) pay less for dedicated static IP and 1 gbps+ with unlimited or multi TB traffic limit.... the whole point of the merge and reason for the PW hour is because ALL shards are running on a single server.

there's no way the game is running on more then one server or there would be no PW hour, and the offical reason for the PW's was because the back-up server is running on the same server as the play server (not to mention the test server as well).

as i said i'm a hardware tech, i build personal, gaming, and business desktops, as well as servers and i also consult and advise on hardware for mainframes.  ryzom may have once been a very intense program to run, but with the more advanced hardware we have now, it's not the case anymore.

the ryzom forge prompted me to look into the idea of programming, but it's not my specialty in any way and i'm very noob about it.

perhaps you missed the forum posts and/or the forge meetings about the shards all running on a single server.  it's possible that ryzom might one day need more then one server, but that's going to take 1000's of active players 24/7/365.  until then, a single server will do it all (and even with 1000's of active players, only the play shard, known as "atys", will need to be scaled to more then one server; the yubo (test shard) will only need one because it won't have 1000's, or be likely to have 100's using it at one time. the back up server might need to be scaled to a 2nd server, but i feel safe saying that it would take 10's of 1000's of daily active players to need that.

i hope that my links (as examples) will help you understand that this new step they're taking will in no way bring ryzom to it's death.  i can think of at least 10 people that sub by the year, that don't even play much at all, but still continue to support the game.

ryzom is a game supported by dedicated fans, there's a very high chance that the game will always have the needed subs to ensure the server stays up, the only real issue is the owners and how greedy they are in terms of profits, if they love ryzom like many of us do, they'll find other ways to make profit, and use the subs for keeping the game alive (not likely but we can always hope that profits aren't their only passion in life).

ok, i've said a ton again, living up to my namesake yet again.

if anyone doubts some of the facts i've shared, do your own searches, use keywords like "dedicated", "game", and "server" and you will be very surprised at how cheep a decent server is.

anyway i'll shut up now,

I to am a hardware tech i have been working in the field for 23 years. There is at a absolute min log in chat and play servers hosted on at min 3 machines.

You all base these costs based on what you see offered on the web for web hosting or hosting things like fps games at a co loc hosting service where they host on virtual servers. Doing that sure you can do it for a 100. If ryzom was hosted on such garbage it would be down more often than up. It might be hosted co lo but it is on its own dedicated servers. This game cost a hell of allot more than you think. But your all welcome to believe what you want. Ryzoms teams a little more causual than most so maybe they will post what it costs and how things are done. Hey maybe youll prove me wrong but i seriously dobt that....

#33 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

This game cost a hell of allot more than you think. But your all welcome to believe what you want. Ryzoms teams a little more causual than most so maybe they will post what it costs and how things are done. Hey maybe youll prove me wrong but i seriously dobt that....

If customers know what’s done with their money, especially on more or less open source stuff, they give it more easily away.

#34 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

This game cost a hell of allot more than you think. But your all welcome to believe what you want. Ryzoms teams a little more causual than most so maybe they will post what it costs and how things are done. Hey maybe youll prove me wrong but i seriously dobt that....

If customers know what’s done with their money, especially on more or less open source stuff, they give it more easily away.

While true youd think theres also the proble of customer being un educated on actuall costs or think because 10k pay and the game cost 1k a montht hat they should only have to pay 10 cents each. Typically game companies will not release how much it costs to run a game publically because of this. Ive been in ones where they did and basically no one wanted to pay because the cost was already covered by other people so the game closed for ever.

#35 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I don’t want to know everything or specific numbers, just some more information than we already have. And more advertising on things that are going on behind the curtain, to make all see that there is a lot going on. And maybe to attract more volunteers.

#36 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I don’t want to know everything or specific numbers, just some more information than we already have. And more advertising on things that are going on behind the curtain, to make all see that there is a lot going on. And maybe to attract more volunteers.

Not just to you but to those who claim its cheap and base this off of hosting plans for fps game servers (i know of the one of those personall in that list) you put a mmo on one of those that server will chock to death. They are capable of maybe 64 simo not 100s . I did a netstat on my con. There are a total of 3 servers i can see from my end.
server-ipip-ip.whatever (did not copy it down as it is just a rev dns for a raw ip.)
shard.ryzom.com is the log in server once logged in it goes to close wait
shards keeps a active established connection this is the play server
the 3rd server-ip... is the chat server (can only see it when your in megacorp.io do to log in happening in the background and megacorp acting almost like a proxy you wont see shard. pop up there. But the active connection to the chat server you do see.

So even if it only cost them 100ish per month per server for a colated remote hosting service plan (it cost way more) the real cost is tripple what every one wants to believe. As with out doubt ryzom has 3 servers minimally hosted on 3 seperate machines. Chances are its really 6 physical machines for redunency purposes to prevent things like mobs becoming unresponsive or chat going down or players not being able to log in. So 1 server each at any given time is powering ryzom probably load balanced between the 2 per part. Now this is assuming of course they are using one play server for every region of ryzom and not multiple physical macines 1 or 2 per region. Just because we only have one play server does not mean that ryzom runs on one machine.

As for your own thinking the problem would still exist. Even if the ryzom devs said it was costing them between 3k and 10k a month etc people would still say well they made their money for the costs after just x people so they should reduce the ammount we pay etc etc.

The owners are not just doing this to give us a game to play they are doing it to also make money. And truth of the matter is they are operating on a shoe string budget. They have employees etc. Again even if it only cots them a 100 a month to host the server theres still their employees pay checks. If and i sure they do have a 3d art team in the us the starting slary is 40k usd for a 3d artist out of colledge. Thats what they should make most will work for way less just for their portfolio. But the point is they have programers artists admins who keep the servers going likely a on call contracted tech to fix the hardware or a service plan to next day deliver parts/full servers etc. Break all this down by the month and you got minimally a few grand per month not 100...

What they are doing with this idea is working to increase profits so they can do more for ryzom when it comes to content bug squashing etc.

#37 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I don’t want to know everything or specific numbers, just some more information than we already have. And more advertising on things that are going on behind the curtain, to make all see that there is a lot going on. And maybe to attract more volunteers.

Not just to you but to those who claim its cheap and base this off of hosting plans for fps game servers (i know of the one of those personall in that list) you put a mmo on one of those that server will chock to death. They are capable of maybe 64 simo not 100s . I did a netstat on my con. There are a total of 3 servers i can see from my end.
server-ipip-ip.whatever (did not copy it down as it is just a rev dns for a raw ip.)
shard.ryzom.com is the log in server once logged in it goes to close wait
shards keeps a active established connection this is the play server
the 3rd server-ip... is the chat server (can only see it when your in megacorp.io do to log in happening in the background and megacorp acting almost like a proxy you wont see shard. pop up there. But the active connection to the chat server you do see.

So even if it only cost them 100ish per month per server for a colated remote hosting service plan (it cost way more) the real cost is tripple what every one wants to believe. As with out doubt ryzom has 3 servers minimally hosted on 3 seperate machines. Chances are its really 6 physical machines for redunency purposes to prevent things like mobs becoming unresponsive or chat going down or players not being able to log in. So 1 server each at any given time is powering ryzom probably load balanced between the 2 per part. Now this is assuming of course they are using one play server for every region of ryzom and not multiple physical macines 1 or 2 per region. Just because we only have one play server does not mean that ryzom runs on one machine.

As for your own thinking the problem would still exist. Even if the ryzom devs said it was costing them between 3k and 10k a month etc people would still say well they made their money for the costs after just x people so they should reduce the ammount we pay etc etc.

The owners are not just doing this to give us a game to play they are doing it to also make money. And truth of the matter is they are operating on a shoe string budget. They have employees etc. Again even if it only cots them a 100 a month to host the server theres still their employees pay checks. If and i sure they do have a 3d art team in the us the starting slary is 40k usd for a 3d artist out of colledge. Thats what they should make most will work for way less just for their portfolio. But the point is they have programers artists admins who keep the servers going likely a on call contracted tech to fix the hardware or a service plan to next day deliver parts/full servers etc. Break all this down by the month and you got minimally a few grand per month not 100...

What they are doing with this idea is working to increase profits so they can do more for ryzom when it comes to content bug squashing etc.

This isn't true. Its been confirmed via multiple sources now. It costs a few hundred a month and Ryzom is ran on one server.


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