
#23 [en] 

I did add the Inc Hit Rate Stanza to the tool ... but not the IG version. You can use the SS version if ya want this info. The Inc Damage Stanza tho is non- linear:

0 = 100%
1 = 104%
2 = 108%
3 = 112%
4 = 118%
5 = 128%
6 = 136%
7 = 146%
8 = 156%
9 = 166%
10 = 176%
11 = 186%
12 = 196%
13 = 200%

So in the spreadsheet, if ya typically use ID 12, then pop 1.96 into cell C6 and ya will get that answer.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (7 лет назад)


#24 [en] 

Upcoming BT Efforts:

1. Exe Resources Info Tool - Have been many requests for this tool to a) be expanded to include PR regions and b) to add Sup Weather Availability as well. After discussions in Guild as well as with other long time players, it was deemed that b) was not in the best interests of the game. As for a) if we can muster up enough help, gonna undertake the job. After doing Nexus solo, still feeling a bit burnt, so gathering a few contributors would help get this off ground.

Progress Report as of 2018-08-13


Spring = 0.00 %
Summer = 28.72 %
]Autumn = 25.00 %
Winter = 23.40 %
Overall = 19.28 %

0.00% Amber
32.81% Seed
34.38% Fiber
5.00% Bark
35.00% Sap
10.94% Resin
40.63% Oil
43.75% Shell
5.00% Wood
11.25% Wood Node

2. Craft Ranges Tool - With reference to this thread:


Have been converting all the spreadsheet formulae from this tool to text format, so that (hopefully) users will be able to cut / paste into the *.txt files Arc mentions in the initial posts.

Just taking a quick glance there's about 40 different craft characteristics and about 30 different craft combos that produce different characteristics. So basically that's 1200 different "pulls" in the game code that the formulae act upon. Copy / pasting all that out of the spreadsheets plus precraft, base values, multipliers, constants, etc. is bound to create some inappropriate paste errors.

If anyone wants to participate, indicate an interest in a craft skill tree you have mastered (LA, MA, HA, Bucklers / Shields / 2H Weaps / 1H Weaps / 2H ranged / 1H Ranged / Amps / Joolz.  Idea is to insert the post-craft data into KC and see if the results are consistent.

If anyone has an interest in contributing to either endeavor, please send an IG mail to FF and, if we can gather enough folks will get underway. Underspring or Abys of Ichor will be the 1st PR region we will "weather map" depending on the response.  For the Crafting Tool, I have only converted LA, MA, HA, Bucklers, Shields, 1H Weaps and 2H Weaps to text format ... will get the others done as time allows.

Edited 10 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (7 лет назад)


#25 [en] 

Oh, reminds me... I was going to ask, why 2h mace has minimum durability 100 and other weapons 120?

Hm I had another question, by my tests there was one not accurate number in your weapon/armor stats ranges table, but I forgot which one what it was... Was nothing serious, just minimum was 1 point lower than your table says...

#26 [en] 

Good catch ... that's one of those copy / paste errors:Durability = Game Code Data:C15+Game Code Data:C15*$C$3*$C$4*C24+$C$5You can see these from the tableGame Code Data:C15 = 100$C$3 = 2.00 for HQ$C$4 = 1.2 for Rubbarn BoosatC24 = 100% Precraft %$C$5 = +20 for having done the Durability RiteFor whatever reason, when I pasted down from Axe to Mace, instead of $C$5 it wound up with $D$5 which is text so it did not add the +20 ... now fixed, Thank You !


#27 [en] 

Would welcome testing and feeback on the new "Vendor Storage" Module.  I'm a me and packer dig 360 mats, stand at hawker ro craft, sell the crafts ... rinse and repeat kinda guy.   And I was always asked, why don't you just sell mats and craft at stables like everybody else ?

Well as "Patient 0" for CRS Sysndrome, I could never remeber what I left where and had to TP to all capitals to check time left so that mats didn't expire and fo "poofie".  This was added for all those folksies.


#28 [en] 

Geez it has ben a long time I had pretty much forgotten about this April Fools Day Prank .... 80% of the folk  were laughing ... 20% were hating me for a few days.


#29 [en] 

Back in Post # 13 of the Bunny Tools Thread, we introduced you to "Yubo Maps". The descpiption is copied below for your convenience.



Yubo Maps is basically an offline reader for the Ryzom Raum Maps that are now hosted on silenda.de site. After installing the YuBo Maps program, ask it to update the maps; it will visit the silenda site and d/l the latest maps. Comes in handy when the site is down for maintenance or if you have trouble running ya browser and Ryzom at the same time. Maps are also resizable which comes in handy for those hard to locate spots.

Key feature here is that by registering on the silenda site, you can add your own locations. Keep supporting silenda by registering on the silenda site and updating the maps when ya find a new resource. Special thanks to Selene and all Silenda contributors for participation in this effort.

All homins have long depended on the work of Selene (Silenda) and the folks at BM (Pete J, Karu. etc) for the wonderful mapping tool that has been provided. We would happily drop this effort if either was in a position for us to submit the data and have it added. Any and all data collected will be provided to those responsible for those sites if so requested. In the meantime ....

Sarpedonia was working on Yubo Maps Version 2.0 when real life got in the way and took him away from game. Since starting Tribe Fame, have found about 100 Tribe NPCs that were not on any maps, at least when we went looking. In the course of doing those and Daily Missions have also pretty much Deposit Tracked and located most of the Mission Mats in Desert and Jungle 250 areas. That leaves a lot of Atys left.

In the first version, we will be working on Tribe NPCs and Mission Mats as this is the area were current mapping sources are missing the most data for these:

Tribe NPCs (All Regions) - Just thinking of doing the wandering ones, not the ones that don't leave camp. Essentially the last 5 columns you see in image here.

https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/25037/2 5

However, would welcome input in this regard. Also what we be the preferred structure ..... that is what order for the drop down filters.

Places: Portals / Teleporters ... anything else ? Water ? Passage ? Those are the categories that the game has set up but we can add things lie safe places in water or openings in thru walls and mazes.

Again, BM Maps and Silenda have had most of the categories for years pretty well covered ... so initial emphasis will be on NPCs and Mission mats, the later being focused on Forest and Lakelands... When it wasn't found in Desert or Jungle, I went to Forest .... If it wasn't in Forest .. then went to Lakes.

When we say an NPC "has been mapped" that means one of us has confirmed and interacted with that NPC at that location

When we say a Mission Mat was "has been mapped" that means one of us has used deposit tracking to find it, has prospected it and it popped, and dug it at this location. Seeing an item on a map ant another source doesn't count as mapped until verified

We are also looking at:

Can we record / display the player who contributed the data for a missing item ?
Can we provide extra features to guilds or individuals who provide data ?
Can we export data to players own landmarks.xml file by take thing x / y poisyions and directly omporting into your *.xml file?
What other mapping features would be of interest ?
Do you need more date variables ... Such as for mats ... Do you just want to see all mats in a region (Desert) ... Subregion (Dunes of Exile) ... Or do you also want to be able to search on mats by level like 170 or 200 ?

Before going full tilt on data collection, we wanted user input on the structure and arrangment of data.  Would also like to hear from anyone who is interested in helping with data collection.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 лет назад)


#30 [en] 

Progress Report (Bunny Maps and Landmarks Editor):

1. We have completed the * tool which exports all your Landmarks (aka "flags") from your *.xml file(s) into an editable spreadsheet.  If you want a copy ... send FF a PM and we will send it to you via Rocket Chat.

2.  With this tool, you can edit your flags and correct spelling, reorder, group your Landmarks with regard to .

-REGION - such as Burning Desert
-NPC TYPE - such as Citizen, Tribe
-AFFILIATION - such as Nation, Tribe Name
-TITLE / FAME REQ'T - such as  Prospector, whether stationary or wandering and fame requirement
-NPC NAME - such as Miaera Antoldo
-Notes  - such as subregion (level)
-X Coordinate Position
-Y-Coordinate Position

Mission Mats
-REGION - such as Burning Desert
-MAT CATEGORY - such as Food
-MAT NAME - such as Bitter Aromatic Plant
-SEASONAL AVAILABILITY - such as Spring, Summer, Autumns, Winter
-Notes  - such as subregion (level)
-X Coordinate Position
-Y Coordinate Position

Craft Mats
-REGION - such as Burning Desert
-MAT CATEGORY - such as Sap
-MAT NAME - such as Dante Sap
-GRADE - such as Basic, Fine, Choice, Excellent, Supreme
-SEASONAL AVAILABILITY - such as Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
-WEATHER - such as 84-100%
-TIME - - such as Day / Night
-Notes  - such as subregion (level)
-X Coordinate Position
-Y Coordinate Position

-REGION - such as Burning Desert
-TYPE - such as Spawn Point, Teleporter, Boss Spawn, Bandit Camp
-PLACE NAME - such as Dirty Dudes Camp
-Notes  - such as subregion (level)
-X Coordinate Position
-Y Coordinate Position

3.  A corresponding tool to export the edited data back to the *.xml file is in the works.

4.  Data Colelction is progressing slow at this point:

Scorched Corridor - NPCs = 99% / Mission Mats = 95% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 90%
Dunes of Exile - NPCs = 99% / Mission Mats = 0% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%
Savage Dunes - NPCs = 99% / Mission Mats = 0% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%
Sawdust Mines - NPCs = 99% / Mission Mats = 0% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%
Outlaw Canyon - NPCs = 99% / Mission Mats = 0% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%
Oflaks Oasis - NPCs = 30% / Mission Mats = 0% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats = 50%
Imperial Dunes - NPCs = 85% / Mission Mats = 0% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%

Void - NPCs = 99% / Mission Mats = 95% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 90%
All Other - NPCs = 30% / Mission Mats = 30% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%

GoC - NPCs = 90% / Mission Mats = 80% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 90%
All Other - NPCs = 30% / Mission Mats = 30% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%

Loria  - NPCs = 80% / Mission Mats = 25% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%
All Other - NPCs = 30% / Mission Mats = 30% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%

1.  As with other Bunny Tools, the goal is to remove some of the drudgery.  You will have the opportunity to use our Database or your own as the data source.

2.   Basically, there's few things you can do with this tool that you can't already do a) in game, b) with BM / Silenda Maps or c) could do w/ Lopy's Landmarks Editor.   As the 1st two are no longer being updated, and the 3rd no longer works, this can serve to say:
  • I started the game just using Misc. for all may craft mats flags .  I used the same color for Basic, Fine Choice as I did w/ Exe .  To fix, I had to edit one flag at a time ... now I can do find and replace and fix all.
  • Ever go searching for an NPC you know you flagged but can't find with the search tool because you mispelled it ?
  • How about, you recorded NPC positions, but forgot to add title and tribe name.
The tool will allow you to make whole sale changes of this type.

3.  If you have been using Bunny Tools, you know not to come looking for spoilers.   When the Exe Resources Tool was created, it had a companion Supreme Tool which was naver released.  So yes, we have all the data to list which weather goes with which season, but we want to leave the fun of discovery in the game.   You can add that information if you want to your DB and flag, but the default Database provided will not contain this info.

4.  Samples of things  that will be added include:

a)  That wandering NPC that you are chasing around that you have 3 flags for ... This will have the other 6.  This fits into the "drudgery category".   The alternative is take  a mission from the guy when ya found him .... and then just look at ya map each day and "plant a  flag" wherever the in game blue mission flag moves to.

b)  Safe Spots - Frustrated traveling thru Loria 200 regions ?  In addition to the OPs and Tribe Camps, we can hide in, this will add any place where ya can go afk and feel safe like small ponds.

c)  One thing we are perplexed about is Boss / Named locations.  Those that know them, of course, don't want them on any maps ... of course many of them are already are.  Those that don 't know them, again of course, want them on there because they never get a shot at them since if someone doesn't do a cout run every 30 minutes, it's an unusual day.  Listening to feedback on that one.


2020-08-01 - Added Custom Zoom
2020-08-01 - TotalScrewup on board as OS Beta Tester

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 лет назад)


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