#19 Добавлено Yragael 8 лет назад
Il faudrait que le ramassage des bouses soit facile, et demande peu d'efforts, de manière à ce que ce soit accessible à tous, très facilement.
#20 Добавлено Mjollren 8 лет назад
#21 Добавлено Nerwane 8 лет назад
#22 Добавлено Rikutatis 8 лет назад
#23 Добавлено Eikn 8 лет назад
#24 Добавлено Daomei 8 лет назад
I fail to understand why people think boring and repetitive grind is difficulty. It's not difficult, it's just repetitive and grindy. Difficult is going to dig supreme mats solo in an area filled with vorax where KPs are patrolling nearby. Or killing jugukoo with only 2 homins. Those are challenges. Spending countless hours killing cratchas all the way to 210 and after that pulling najabs one by one in a very safe and comfortable environment is not difficult. It's just boring and repetitive.
#25 Добавлено Nerwane 8 лет назад
Last edited by Nerwane (8 лет назад)
#26 Добавлено Rikutatis 8 лет назад
#27 Добавлено Kimyh 8 лет назад
#28 Добавлено Nerwane 8 лет назад
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Nerwane (8 лет назад)
#29 Добавлено Eikn 8 лет назад
#30 Добавлено Eshe 8 лет назад
#31 Добавлено Shangfan 8 лет назад
@Daomei: I agree there's certain players that go off the beaten track to make grinding a more challenging activity for them. Amazons Mysticia for exampe does that a lot. All I'm saying is that most people don't do that, but still think Ryzom is a more difficult game because it has a long and arduous grind.
I would be totally fine with a game in which you could reach level cap fast but then have difficult, challenging and deep end game activities that require tactics and coordination.
#32 Добавлено Eikn 8 лет назад
#33 Добавлено Gidget 8 лет назад
For the game proper, that is completely unnecessary. nearly all standard melee combat tasks can be done with 3 weapons, namely 1h sword, 2h axe (or sword, up to you), and pike. All the rest may play a role e.g. in PvP, but is not necessary. And there is no need to level them all up to master at a time. Mostly. even a master is not really a must.
In Ryzom, the route is the goal. I had much fun during level training, and somewhat regret that the times are over when I could do training with newcomers, showing them spots and tricks. And I still like plod teams and sometimes heal off team (granted I want my share of skins and eyes, then :) )
There is a lot of passive leveling in Ryzom.
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