Should the tour of the camps be changed?
Yes - as it was before the fusion (small packages, no mount necessary)
Atys: Binarabi, Elvanae, Hwinoree, Imotep, Kranar, Perkuno, Tendrili, Yenno
8 (2)
Yes - two variants of the mission offered (small vs. large package)
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Apia, Bazett, Beriplan, Bitttymacod, Daomei, Derren, Irfidel, Jarnys, Knoedelfee, Mermaidia, Mjollren, Naema, Nemana, Nerwane, Overhead, Remigra, Rikutatis, Roweena, Sienn, Solit, Talkirc, Virg
23 (4)
No - rubbish, leave it as it is
Atys: Arfur, Djiper, Iwakura, Mate, Ulsort
Другое 0
воздержаться 5

#1 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Deutsch | Français
In the old times, it was possible to do the tour of the camps without a mount. Now, that we have the camps back (again a big thanks to devs and event team), it would be nice, as I think, to have that opportunity again.

The tour on mountback is somewhat prohibitive for f2p, and even subbed beginners who could not yet afford an apartment and/or several packers, as they have most of their belongings stored on the mount, their only storage room.

And there would even be some sense lore- and RP-wise: During the construction phase of the camps heavy materials needed to be transported on horseback, while nowadays, as the camps are finished, only some repair stuff, tools, mails to the guards and overseers etc. are brought most times, so that carrying a small package as a pedestrian if chosen so seems intuitive.

I would offer three possible versions:

1. Restore the pre merge tour, small packages only

2. Split the tour in two, one with mektoub and large package, another without if wanted, with small package. The reward might be slightly raised for the mounted tour, say 2500 (instead of now 2200) base fp (without citizenship), and 1800fp or so if taking the small package. Cooldown should be same for both and activated for both, so that only one of the alternatives could be chosen within 8 hrs.

3. Leave it as it is

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Cerulean (10 лет назад)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral


As it is not possible for me to change texts inside the voting part, Tamarea or whoever please:
Change "to variants" to "two variants", and remove the '=' behind the '?' in the poll title. I am unable to edit that. Thank you.

Edit (Tamarea): done by Cerulean!

Edit: done, thanks a lot. Daomei

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Daomei (10 лет назад)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#3 [en] 

Honestly, i don't tour the camps because in the lakes it takes an insane amount of time to swim all over the place! Applying that concept to other regions, it would also be slower to not have a mount. Unless the small packages can be teleported which seems to defeat the purpose of the delivery... so i'll wait to see if any other comments sway my opinion :)

#4 [en] 

I rather keep out of the voting. Was doing the camps like mad the first time around, every free minute I had, but after the merge wasn't able to do it again when they were rebuild - not only because of the lack of time, but also because of the lack of proper equipment. So while I had a crazy amount of Matis points before the merge, I only have a handful now. Well, it must do. I did a few rounds when the camps were rebuild, but it really makes no sense when you're too weak to clear your way and in turn to take in any damage.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#5 [en] 

I'm not sure I follow, Salazar .. if anything, touring with a mektoub is easier than doing it on foot. Regardless on what type of animal you place the package, you can outrun mobs by being mounted yourself.

Personally I vote to get two types of tours, best of both world :)


#6 [en] 

The only time I ever lost a Mek was while doing the camps. Lost it in Grove of Confusion, and from that time on did most of the deliveries on foot.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#7 [en] 

Granted, forest might be more risky..

I've had some run-ins with the dogs of the jungle, but nothing major - you lose one animal, you learn the aggro pattern, and next time you know to take a detour in Dementia. The desert run is almost free from dangers to your mektoub, only tyrancha to care about.


#8 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English
For subbed players, nowadays, loss of a mount is trivial. Get a friend or an alt to buy a new one, give it to you at the tp while you hold the package after freeing the beast, done. In the old times, a mount was more expensive than the strongest packer.

For f2p, the mount is the only storage outside their bag. Loss of the mount is a tragedy or at least a severe problem. Therefore, the actual design of the tour of the camps is prohibitive for young players.

That is a shame as this tour is an excellent opportunity for them to learn about all regions of the surface. Before the fusion, I offered guided tours to the camps twice a week, on every continent in turn. There were similar player events on Arispotle (I copied the idea from there). Today, it may be hard to find young players who dare loss of their mount and all their belongings.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#9 [de] 

As Daomei referred to the Touring of the Camps, prior to the 2nd Swarming being possible on foot, it was also possible to use the Teleports to reach destinations faster, This meant that the whole process was quicker, not slower, regardelss of which of the four continents the tour was performed on.

#10 [en] 

I would like very much to do it by foot. There are multiple reasons:

1. As you might know, i'm f2p. I've tried to do the tour 2 times. First time alone, but i already needed rez at second camp or so from a guildy, then shortly after that, my mek died in HH while trying to get to the camp there. As I have loaded it pretty full, it being my only storage, i had to find someone help me get the mats out. Then on the second attempt, Daomei helped me with it, but still my mount died on the tour.

2. My mektoub is in Forest, Yrk to be exact normally. I have found out, that this is one of the most dangerous camp tours, but my GH is in yrk and i don't want to move my mek to desert. Now with it possible on foot, i could still do the desert one without having to move my mek.

so +1000


#11 [de] 

The forest tour is quite difficult, even on foot but on a mekkie it would be more, rather than less dangerous. You have my sympathies Siela and you have highlighted quite clearly why a return to being able to perform the tours on foot would be sensible.

#12 [en] 

Would the mission that allows teleporting give less of a reward? My understanding of the heavy packages that require a mektoub is to prevent tp'ing the supplies around...

#13 [en] 

Plac, i wouldn't care if they give a bit less reward with same cooldown time... still better than now, at least for f2p, but yes i would say it gives less reward, or it wouldn't be fair.


#14 [en] 

I ws just thinking too, for the sake of F2P, they are not required to do all 6 (?) runs. If I recall you can drop mission at any time, if lvl 200 region is too dangerous then just do 50-150 :)

#15 [en] 

but the reward gets always bigger, so if you abandon before, you lose many faction points :)


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